
Monday, August 16, 2021

Transgender USAF veteran trapped in Taliban takeover of Kabul

As the government of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani collapsed and he has now fled the country, chaos has descended on the Afghan capital city. Late reports Sunday indicated Afghan security forces had abandoned their posts which were quickly taken over by the Taliban insurgents. 

Among the Americans now trapped in the suburban areas of Kabul under Taliban control is Josie Thomas, 32, a Transgender government contractor for the U.S. State Department and former U.S. Air Force Sergeant. Thomas along with several others are trapped at the diplomatic support facility known as Camp Alvarado located on the outskirts of the capital city’s airport.


  1. If ol' Josie hasn't had the surgery yet, the Taliban might whack off her tallywacker.

  2. HE ought to rush right out to the Taliban rapists and let them have at it. HE'd love it. For a while.

    1. All he's got to do is tell them that he's 14. They'll "love" him to death.

  3. Josie/?? knew the risks when they went back in country but still chose to go back.

    My give-a-damn is busted, if they die they die. Or maybe he dumps the cosplay and goes back to being a man.

  4. Hmmm….Exotic meat but definitely not halal, so to speak.
    How do you say “Yeeeeehaaaaw” in the various Affi lingos?

  5. I hope the taliban dont say or do anything to that might offend his /her choices....

  6. Oh no! Everyone panic, a transformer is trapped by the Taliban! I'm sure our gov will pull out all the stops to save the stunning and brave transformer probably getting non mentally ill Americans killed in the process.

  7. I hope she/he/it gets to the Tabul version of Wal*Mart and buys one of them pastel blue full body Bur'qas with a 4 x 2 face grill before too long.

  8. DGAF.......
    Could not possibly care less.
    The fact that this ones a weenie chopper means I care even less, if that were possible.

  9. Yet another reason trans people should not be in the military - not because I am opposed to their existence but they are a statistical liability to theirselves and their fellow soldiers. The same applies to women in combat.

  10. Hamid Karzai Intl Airport (HKIA) is pure bedlam right now. That this special snowflake feels "trapped", well, whatever its pronouns are, it is stuck there with many other normal Americans. The number of troops being sent back into Afghanistan to get Americans out will do so, they will do it well, and I will not criticize them for any of the harsh choices they may have to make in the performance of their duties.

    For those who want a pretty good idea of what is going on there, I recommend 2 sources:
    Zoom in to the map, hover over the icons and see the tweets and news blurbs associated with them.
    The next source, and it is a gold mine, is: @JackPosobiec. He is the guy to watch, now and in the future.

    HKIA is a single runway airport, with crappy facilities. If you want a good satellite image, use BING maps. Google maps is hopelessly outdated here. Take a look at the distances from the airfield to the surrounding buildings and terrain features to understand the geometry of the place.

    All those mobs have to get food from somewhere, water... and use the facilities. It will be a biohazard zone shortly if not already so. Watch some of the clips on twitter - people (Afghans, presumably) have been clinging to C-17 jets, and then fall to their deaths. It is sheer pandemonium there. Note also that every mob you see is all young, military aged males.

    I really wonder what POTUS is going to say when he addresses the nation at 345pm, EST.

    These are human wave attacks disguised as fleeing civilians, and if not, how can one tell from the impact they have?. If they were legit civilians, you would see women and children in the mobs. This is why I state that I refuse to pass judgement on the American troops that are there to extract fellow Americans.

  11. Expect his/her/its next tweet to be video of his/her/its flying lessons off a tall building or the star of a beheading video. Oh wait, how about a gasoline fueled human torch. Honey, you're life expectancy time line just dropped to zero.

    There's nothing like furnishing your enemy with a picture and identifying information to make it easier to track you down and kill you.

    Well, at least it won't breed more stupidity into the human race.

    WTF are these idiots thinking.

    You're in a war zone dipshit and they're looking for people like you to make examples of or didn't you get the memo.


  12. Fuck that confused asshole, plenty of important people are caught up in slo joe and kamel toe's fuckup

  13. Today will be the first time I have/will voluntarily watch 46*.

  14. That is going to be a sloppy starfish once the tallywhackers get done with her/him/it.

  15. He will be as visible from the roof of the embassy as those former afghanis from the C17

  16. Push it outside the wire and let the jihad run a train on it. Hope for a video, the people could use some educational videos.

    We'll find out
    sooner or later
    if Achmed'll pray
    to a glowing crater

  17. Shouldn't this be under fucking Monday?

  18. I'm sure Slow Joe will consult the Jimmy Carter play book while planning the rescuel


  19. If you look at a map of the former "international zone", you'll see a big, olympic-size pool on top of a long hill to the northwest, and a big soccer stadium to the southeast, on the other side of the Kabul River. In the 90's, the Taliban used these as killing grounds (the warlords also did their share... ask Dostum about the 2,000-3,000 Taliban he smothered/incinerated (depending on source) on a prisoner transfer west to Sherbergan in the dasht i Lily desert
    It was so bad in Kabul then, they had to remove the meter of soil and replace it in the soccer stadium due to the blood. The pool was a dumping bin for the victims of the Taliban. Those who cheer the Taliban on today, or think they are "friendly", have not been paying attention. They are not harmless simpletons. Afghanistan is a brutal place.
    The drama of some rando trannie USAF vet is way below the noise floor of this event.

  20. Just because You think you are courageous and brave, has nothing to do with you being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Have fun, asshole.

  21. My sentimnts? This:

    Phil B

  22. To hell with the transgenders. They're mentally warped, anyway.

  23. How did Wisco find this LBGTQ mag?

  24. @AnonymousAugust 16, 2021 at 1:35 PM

    > This is why I state that I refuse to pass judgement on the American troops that are there to extract fellow Americans.

    You're a liar. And not a very good one. Even by Special Liar Forces, short carrier, standards.

    There are no, zero, not a single, American, mercenary, killing for The United States. The government that occupies Americans. Just as they occupy/ied Iraq. Just as they occupy/ied Afganistan.

    Go back to whatever other country you hold citizenship in. You are not, nor have ever been, American.

    1. I've read your comment 3 times and I still can't make sense of it.

    2. I'm sure his comment makes perfect sense to Dr. Gary Maynard.

    3. I've read bad Chinglish that made more sense. Same with the last time I talked to the paki at the other end of the health insurance phone bank.

      Yikes. It's like an epileptic methhead was playing scrabble or something.

    4. Gary Maynard? Oh, O.K., DuckDuckGo'ed it. He's that nuts California forest arson guy. Yeah, this makes about as much sense.

    5. I *think* he interpreted the "fellow Americans" in the comment he quoted as meaning the Afghans clinging to planes, etc. Iow, he believed that the commenter was describing Afghani civilians as "fellow Americans" who should be imported en masse to save them from the *bad* "fellow Americans". (Because essentially everyone on Earth is just an American waiting to realize it and be imported, according to both parties leadership)

      I could be wrong. But the rest is gibberish as far as I can tell.

  25. The CNN news lady is wearing a hijab, in the latest dispatch. Don't think it'll stop her from getting He-jobbed.

  26. Voting for biden has consequences. Just saying, twink.

  27. hey, but at least there's no more mean tweets and that is all that matters.

  28. So I guess there is a few goats over there gonna get the night off.

  29. That's comedy gold, Jerry!
    - George Costanza

  30. Purdy Lips. He/She/binary has one cock-eye, wonder how they got that?.

  31. God help that poor sick soul is all that I can say!

  32. I think (if all the bits are still attached) that the Taliban will need less then 1 minute to tell this one of he is male or female.
    Maybe we should send all "persons" who cannot identify to the Taliban / Religious Police of Iran or Saudi Arabia to help them find out if they are male or female. (people like Asia Kate Dillon, Demi Lovato and Ellen Page)
    Alex Lund

  33. This is him:

    Is it bad to say "and nothing of value was lost."? Because I find myself feeling that way. These monsters are mandating the mutilation of children. How are they different from the Taliban? Best part is, people were warning about this evil back in the 70's. Slippery slope is not a fallacy.

  34. Kinda puts a new twist on the Steely Dan song of the same name. Ohio Guy

  35. The Russians did not learn from the British.
    We did not learn from the British or the Russians.
    I will bet the Chinkanese will not learn from any of us either.
    Sux to be them!


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