
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

All righty then

A former refugee who became the first black woman to win Miss Ireland reacted to being given the award by complaining about racism. 

Yes, really. 


  1. If it wasn't for black people there wouldn't be any racism in this country. They are the biggest racists on the planet, next to white Demonrats.


    1. Winner of the 'net today.


    2. What we, chopped river?
      - Chinese immigrants

  2. So a leprecoon?

  3. Ah, the broad flat nose and wide mouth, classic features of Irish beauty of which countless bards have sung since time immemorial. Since legend-time, from even before young Fionn burnt his thumb cooking the salmon of knowledge.

  4. What an enchanting creature. Surely she is the loveliest young lady in the land! Especially fetching is the broad, flat nose which perfectly compliments the excessive space between her cloudy eyes. Her perfect hair and complexion ties the whole beautiful package together quite nicely. Simply exquisite!

  5. That was the most attractive and talented woman in the lineup?
    I didn't even know Ireland was having a Miss Ireland contest, and I call bullshit.

  6. Its hard to give up that crutch and just get on with ones life isn't ?

  7. The entire foundation of Black resentment is their own failure. Whites and Asians were living in wood and stone structures which required building and design skills while Africans were living in primitive structures which required much less effort. Whites and Asians were farming not only for their own food but for commerce. Africans were subsistence farmers. Africans weren't even using the wheel yet! When Whites leave, all 5hat is left is famine, failure, Zimbabwe.

    1. What you describe is not only relegated to the past; it continues to this day. Several friends have gone to Africa to teach how to dig a water well or how to plant and care for crops. In one instance, a tribe in Kenya was perpetually dehydrated and their livestock too. The water was literally less than five feet below ground. Remember, Kenya is perhaps the most prosperous country in all of Africa.

  8. I'm not racist, but they need to rip that crown off that nappy assed ho!

  9. She's somewhere between gross and ordinary.

    There literally are more beautiful women at the wypipo Kroger (as opposed to the ghetto one near here) any given time. Matter of fact the first day I saw this pic I spotted two that were well prettier.

    This competition is now like a football game where you give the ball to a retard and hold back so he can score.

    1. They couldn't find a Black woman in Ireland who resembles Paula Patton or Halle Berry or Kerry Washington?

    2. O'Prahwinfrey

  10. White folk need to stop virtue signaling.

  11. There we have it, the prototype of the Irish colleen. Fair skin, blue eyes and red hair.


  12. She should be grateful there is racism everywhere. Racism is only treating a person differently because of their race and/or ethnicity. They only gave her the title because of her race, therefore, the judges are racist. She knows in her heart she didn't deserve to win.

  13. Oh yeah, a woman that looks like Mother Aughra is definitely the best Ireland had to offer. Does she have a penis as well?

  14. And she was crowned The Fairest In All The Land...


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