
Thursday, September 09, 2021

And somehow we got stuck with Biden...



  1. There were twin sisters from the Holler. They were shit like brick built house. Black hair to their waists and pretty as hell. Huge boobs and all they wore were vests like that gal has on with cut off jeans. Never will I forget those girls.

  2. PresidentE - feminine.
    Should repair this linguistic handicap of sexual differentiation blindness.
    Obviously - still, ... a woman, not neutral.

  3. Just when I had my hopes up I discover she's a Progressive, an environmental activist and a lawyer.

    1. As are most europeon/scandinavian woe men.

    2. Probably still better than our current president, and a site easier on the eyes.

  4. I really hate to rain on your parade but we did not get stuck with comrade slo jo, the demolcommies stuck it to use using him, or should I say his handlers as the cattle prod, piss poor as it is. And we still are to fuking lazy to call the repulitards on the carpet to act on it. Gonna be reeeaaal interesting come elections a year from now.


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