
Monday, September 20, 2021

Army: ‘Relief of duties, discharge’ possible for those who refuse vaccine

The U.S. Army announced Tuesday a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for soldiers was being implemented, and warned that members who refuse could be subject to "relief of duties" or "discharge."

The Army began implementing the secretary of defense’s order last month, following full approval of Pfizer’s two-dose shot by the Food and Drug Administration. Before then, COVID-19 vaccines had been optional.

Active-duty units are now expected to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 15, 2021, and reserve and National Guard units are expected to be fully vaccinated by June 30, 2022.


  1. Why would any white guy care to continue being expended on behalf of a racist govt. that despises them. This is the way out. Shun the fauxxine.

  2. I'm a contractor that works with the military (I'm losing/quitting my job of 25 years, rather than get the jab). The military members are being threatened with nothing short of a "Less than Honorable" discharge, regardless of what the SecDef tells the media.

    1. Don't take that shot. Is quitting the best decision. If they fire you, you may be able to get damages later.

    2. I don't put a whole lot of weight on discharge status. It's becoming like the sex offenders list; meaningless once streakers, cat callers, etc, get added, rather than significant offenses.


    3. I'm hearing it with be an OTH (other than honorable) which changes to an honorable after 90 days.

  3. Fuck the Yew s Ar-my
    Its run by communists now

  4. The approved " vaxx" isn't available and by it's approval EUA for the others was removed. 🤷‍♂️ What are they using?

    1. The "Leaders" don't care what the soldiers get, as long as it's one of the three "Different" "Vaccines". I've heard some of them say they're getting Moderna, others the Pfizer.

    2. The Pfizer Jab was approved, but what is being used is the EUA Pfizer version, because as you note, the FDA-approved version is not available [1]. So all the Jabs being administered currently are EUA versions.

      Because all available Jabs are EUA, it is still permissible to use the EUA-only Jabs from other pharma companies. It also allows Pfizer to use up its stock of its EUA Jab. Mustn't interrupt the flow of profits to pharma companies, yuh know.

      Read somewhere that .mil was giving the Moderna Jab because of lack of the Pfizer Jab.

      [1] unclear if EUA-Pfizer differs *medically* from FDA-Pfizer Jab. It could be different, or it could be the same thing, but EUA doesn't have certification because of different record-keeping or monitoring of manufacturing. Either way, *legally* they are different.

  5. A lie can only be kept going so long.

    1. True, but if a government moves fast enough, it can "evacuate" an awful lot of people "to the East" before it fails.

  6. I pray that most of them say no. for their sake and the country. we'll need them when the jabbed ones die off

  7. Allowing them to quit is a better deal than was first reported; court martial and jail time for insubordination was what I read about a few weeks ago.

  8. I understand there is no 'Fully Approved' jab; Pfizer got some highly qualified 'ápproval' to make some other shit and the present bioweap is not on that 'approval'
    certificate. So, if there is no 'fully approved' jab, forcing the Troops to participate in a dangerous medical experiment may be an abuse of SuckDeaf authority. Gear up, lawyers!

  9. They're using the EUA jab. The CDC lied (surprise) and conflate the "approved" jab with the EUA, IMO, to get an EUA jab into everyone, because no one can be held liable for anything that happens as a result of that jab, and if you have had it, all negative consequences will be held a result of that, even if you get killed by a "booster shot".
    Follow the money trail.
    John in Indy

  10. My daughter is in Navy boot (on her way to be a corpseman then a doctor) right now (just got my first real phone call this morning). She has been there since August 17th with 2 weeks of quarantine because she did not want the shot. During processing where all shots are given, she informed me, they gave the "non-vaccinated" the shot. She did not want it and I wish she did not get it.

    1. friend at work, her brother just left boot for A-school (hull tech). she was told that the unvaxxed in his unit were kept up an extra 3 hours every night, standing in formation at attention, until they agreed to get the shot.

    2. Everyone should dissuade their progeny from joining .mil in any form. She needs to sue the hell out of everyone involved in giving the vax under deception and without consent.

  11. This will be taken as a godsend by least a quarter the Army's privates

  12. Pfizer doesn't have a vaccine that has been approved. The German company BioNTech does. That is according to FDA documents. Look at Comirnaty Approval and Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers both dated Aug 23, 2021 at this link
    This sounds like a BAIT AND SWITCH SCAM.

  13. welcome them home, then integrate them into your groups.

    be aware though that this would be a prime way to get an infiltrator in easy. stick with people you know.

  14. The dismantling of this country continues apace. Ohio Guy

  15. This is a planned dismantling of the core of the military, chase out everyone who would question un-Constitutional orders, allow only those you are able to control and support the democommie agenda, thereby assuring yourself of a military force you can willingly turn loose against a protesting public through martial law and have assured enforcement of un-Constitutional orders. Then all you need do is have an invasive force enter and take control of the country. Should take them all of about 30 minutes. If you can't see this, since it's as plain as your face, you are truly IQ challenged.

  16. And I should be concerned about the retirement fund of, literally, ANYBODY who volunteered to join The United States Foreign Legion. To kill those The United States Occupational Forces call "enemy". And steal their stuff. ANY time, in the last 20 years?

    Aren't there any BLM NAMBLA intersectionals I can weep about?


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