
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

As if 18 years of child support isn't punishment enough

California is set to outlaw unannounced condom removal. A bill that passed the California legislature earlier this week and now awaits Gov. Gavin Newsom's signature would be the first in the country to make such "stealthing" a cause for legal action. 

But the measure (Assembly Bill 453) will not work through the state's criminal code. Rather, removing a condom without a sexual partner's verbal consent will become grounds for a civil lawsuit and punitive damages, with the act added to the state's civil definition of sexual battery.


  1. Confusing: how can someone identifying as a women remove a condom?

  2. An what about saying that you are on birthcontrol and you are not?

  3. If it's black ,I don't think they have to worry about child support .

  4. Yet they removed the penalties for giving someone HIV and doing it with underage boys.

  5. Can't wait for the first court case on THIS one. Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt...of course given the jury you'd probably end up with, who knows.

  6. "child support"

    What in Baphomet's name makes you think condom-less sex could result in a child?
    You cis-het rabiblanco [1] bigot.

    [1] AB453 is from Cristina Garcia of LA County. She is not an admirable person.

    1. This is the puta.

  7. If it's a civil suit, the standard is "preponderance of evidence" not "beyond a reasonable doubt". That means it just had to look a tiny bit more probable (51%) that the accusation might be true than that it is untrue, and the case is won. Yep. The tsunami can't come soon enough.

  8. In a state where it is legal to not disclose to a sexual partner you have aides.

  9. How do you prove this? With exception to the random fool that records such an encounter, the only evidence in nearly all cases would be conflicting eye witness testimony from the two adverse parties (which is wholly unreliable). And, because the assertions would bald assertions with no support whatsoever, I don’t even know if it would survive limine. This is one of the dumbest thing I have ever read.

    1. If woman vs man, woman wins.
      If white vs non-white, non-white wins.

      Basically it's whichever party claims greater victimhood. That's how it would work. Just like everything else in this idiot society run by Weather Underground types (do NOT read the Wikipedia "Early Life" sections on the key WU players, just don't do that, please!)

  10. Hey Honey,

    Sorry I came so fast the other night but it's been 4 days now. Can I take this damned thing off yet?

  11. I was with a gal one time going to town. She had an orgasm that squeezed me out. The condom stayed in her.

  12. Does this go for women who lie about the pill?
    Deathro Bodine


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