
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Commentary: National Sabotage by Immigration

As the first year of a Biden presidency that has felt like a decade nears its end, only the most ardent Democratic partisans still insist that the country is on the right track. The rest of us are left to debate whether the rancid fruit of this regime is a result of incompetence or design. By analysis of this administration’s immigration agenda alone, the inescapable conclusion is that it is indeed the latter. The macabre consequences of this fact threaten to take America into one of the darkest chapters in its history.


  1. About time to start stackin' bodies...

    1. It is past time.

    2. Been doin' it for a while now, dude! Have you gotten your shot yet?
      - The Government

  2. That opening paragraph is some of the most descriptive, and best writing that anyone could produce about the current administration. And it continues.

  3. What would it take to awaken patriotic Americans to assemble enmasse along the southern boarder, with ARs and form an impassable wall / defensive line?
    NOTHING north bound passes. Stopped by whatever means needed.
    Otherwise we are lost to the trash of the world, betrayed from within.

    1. "What would it take to awaken patriotic Americans to assemble enmasse along the southern boarder, with ARs and form an impassable wall / defensive line?"

      A miracle.

  4. But…aren’t all these Haitians just 150 IQ doctors and lawyers who love muh constitution and will voat Republican?

  5. First year ?????? Fuck, it seems a lot longer than that.

  6. That commentary fits very well with this Biden quote:
    Biden explained the entire point of mass immigration back in 2015, when he was Vice President:

    JOE BIDEN: An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we'll be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.

    Further commentary from Peter

  7. America is over. Unless we are willing to stop whining and start killing, we should just suck it up

  8. Thatallseems to be a distractioin. I suspect the they are building on the success of the Compton Experiment to "move" (i.e. evict) the useless African American ghetto population so as to allow profit to the property owners and grift to those "in charge".

    Compton, California was a ~100% Black killing field with ~100 homicides per year. The powers that be moved a new Hispanic population along with Hispanic gangs into Compton. The Hispanic gangs targetted the Black gang-bangers, their friends and their families. Compton is now ~70% Hispanic with little, if any, violent crime. The Corruptocrats (Dem, Woke) and their GOPe allies need an imported army to do thhe same in other Democratic urban wastelands inorder to enrich the property owners and "pols".

    Compton was surrounded by other ghetto areas (like Watts) which isn't true of many urban enclaves. Hence the Dem drive for Suburban "affordable" multi-family housing (ghetto ready) and the push for firearms laws that will disarm or discourage the suburban population which might otherwise defend themselve, their families and their neighbors from the relocated ghetto. If the evacuation zones are not available due to cost or hostility, the urban underclass might fight and stay in the city thus defeating the eviction plan.

    Ghettos are to be expected since the West African population that was sold into international slavery involved, for the most part, individuals that were useless, unproductive, hostile, etc. The descendants of that population were usefull to the Democratic urban machines for awhile, but they have been a useless, dependent burden with no signs of ever changing. The solution seems to be importing a new, energetic population to displace the useless "defectives" to the hated "White" suburbs, where others can deal with that trouble.

    The ghetto eviction will come "naturally" since immigrants (legal and Illegal) came here to build a new life and almost universally despise the African American population for not even trying to build something for themselves.

    Don't get stressed about minority/majority since the Dems and GOPe got the machines and print shops for mail-in ballots to get what they want. They no longer need the ghetto to out vote you.

    Don't waste time and energy over Libertarian/Democratic/Conservative discussions. The Corruptocrats (Dem/Woke/GOPe) love it when you waste energy on irrelevant babble. They have a plan and lots of theater to manipulate the herd and unless you counter that plan, you are toast. Enjoy that patio while you still can.

  9. From the article: " leadership that sought the best for America and its citizenry. In those eras, politicians from both major parties seemed to prioritize the good of the country; they only disagreed on the means to get us there."

    Therein lies the problem. The politicians/leadership still seek the best for America and its citizenry and are prioritizing the good of the country. It's just that their intepretation of what those words mean has drastically changed.


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