
Friday, September 03, 2021

How The GOP Committed Suicide Trying to Stop Trump

When did the GOP cease to be a functioning party? When was the exact moment that you knew the GOP establishment stands for nothing and stands against nothing? 

For many, this became apparent in the awful months immediately after Election Day 2020, of course, when a steady stream of GOP leaders took to the airwaves to let their voters know that “the most secure election in history” had just taken place.


  1. I read this essay, but I already knew that the Republican suicide took place much earlier than 2020. Think back to Paul Ryan when he basically tried to stop Trump from just about everything good he did, in the first part of his presidency. From moving quickly to dismantle Obamacare, which the House and Senate had sent bills to Obama relentlessly, only to have them vetoed, then suddenly become silent once Trump was president, to ignore the chance to make the CCW recognized in every state, much like the Thune amendment attempted to before, saying that it had to be negotiated away to get some other bill passed.
    I knew as far back as that that the Republican party had it in for Trump, and it was only by him using Twitter to get his message out to the American people that he was able to get anything done at all. Ideas die in the dark, you know.
    Most of the things that Trump got done, he either did it by executive order, of he forced by power of his personality to make the Republicans toe the line, or explain it to their people back home. Now, while many would like to see him back in office, there is not a chance in hell that the powers that be would ever allow that to happen. They would find some legal framework to make it illegal for him to either run or even declare for the office. You will see, no doubt in my mind. I would like to see a VP like LT.Gov. Mark Robinson of N.Carolina. I just don't know of a solid presidential candidate to run him with. Maybe Nikey Haley, she has the brains, and the guts. And she would not be pushed around by any of the old boys club.

    1. No, not Haley. She went along as Governor with the erasure of Confederate history that started the purge of American history; first it was the Battle Flags and symbols and today it's any white man or accomplishment. She abetted all that at the beginning.

    2. Nikki Haley?? Lt. Gov Mark Robinson?? Seriously? WTF is wrong with Ron one example? Nikki Haley is just as dirty and corrupt as the rest of the RINOs and backstabbed Trump as soon as she got a chance. Robinson? Who the fuck is he and what makes anyone think that a Lt. Governor has any cred whatsoever? Geez...

  2. Hmmm...a party founded on the concept of the primacy of the Federal goverment turns out to be stooges of the Federal governemt. Not really seeing any reason for surprise.

  3. Good Article, it spells out a lot thing on why I've grown to hate the GOP and the DNC, now one in the same.

  4. Worth saving or time for a new party, vetted from the ground up.
    That is the question.

  5. "Republicans Came Out of the Closet As Communists"

    There, fixed it for you.

  6. The GOP is the pansy suck-Democrat's-ass arm of the Deep State. Lindsy Graham is the ass-sucker-in-chief

  7. Most Republicans these days carry a jar of vasoline around because they know they're not gonna' fight back when the democrats bend 'em over and fuck 'em....

  8. When The Regime (singular, sovereign) allows you into The Party only after you have sworn allegiance, you're SACRED honor (well, as sacred as YOUR honor can be), to an empty chair... When The Regime (singular, sovereign) decides what thrones will be stood up and taken down, for loyal Party members to rest easy in, while they rule over the workers, this, the current, day... When The Regime (singular, sovereign) decides which loyal Party members will be allowed to be listed for choice of what thrones will be stood up for them, this, the current, day... According to The Rule of Law, subject to change, with or without notice, by the whim of The Regime (singular, sovereign) (or not... They can always fix it in post, with The Rule of Law(TM) of a Reasonable Prosecutor(TM))... When The Regime (singular, sovereign) decides what loyal Citizens(TM) will be allowed to vote... When The Regime (singular, sovereign) decides what Rules(TM) will apply to those "votes" (subject to change, with or without notice, by the whim of The Regime (singular, sovereign) (or not - They can always fix it in post, with The Rule of Law(TM))... When The Regime (singular, sovereign) decides AFTER the "vote" what votes to count (subject to change, with or without notice)... When The Regime (singular, sovereign) decides who "won" the "election" (subject to change, with or without notice), AFTER deciding what numbers are sufficiently Loyal(TM) to The Party (math is a social(ist) construct)... Do you know (pausing to squint at... sadly, more than a few... posters above) how We The People(TM) change the actions (NOT! the bloviating. NOT! The Rule of Law Subject to Change Without Notice(TM). NOT! the cries of Our(TM) People, that they couldn't do the jobs they were hired for, because of the Rules(TM) they change, ignore, and use selectively (only, ALWAYS, SELECTIVELY) against the workers, as they see fit, only when they see fit, subject to change with/or without notice, "prevented" them from doing the jobs they were hired for), of those loyal Party members, loyal enough to The Party, to be settled on one of The Party's these, the current, thrones, this, the current, day -- while their loyalty gratifies The Party, this, the current, day)? Those of "us" allowed to vote, must VOAT HARDERER!

    (Slipping on my Buzz Lightyear jammies... and slowly waving my arm... heroically... /Idiots. Idiots EVERYWHERE!/ And, sadly, most of them not even useful. The rest -- squinting at... sadly... more than a few, posters above -- useful.)

    1. I just got a headache trying to read this comment.

    2. Paragraphs are your friend, also an occasional line feed or carriage return. Capitalization CAN be overused.
      As is an awareness that you are writing for a blog, not on your soapbox in Hyde Park.

    3. You need to buy yourself a big ol' Costco size box of paragraphs, and learn how to use them.

      Tim in AK

    4. What the ... was that?

    5. I didn't bother going past the second sentence. And as my girl says, I'm a fart smeller.

  9. As I've said for decades -- there's only one party, and we're not invited.

  10. @Pointing&Laughing September 4, 2021 at 10:02 AM

    > there's only one party, and we're not invited

    But we still get to pay the tab? Right?

    I mean... I'd feel like traitorous, unJudeoChristian, girly man... If I wasn't allowed, gifted, by the, actual, blood of my ancestors... to earn the partiers moar bullets and sammiches.

  11. @wirecutter September 4, 2021 at 10:14 AM

    > I just got a headache trying to read this comment.


    Marx lied. (I'll wait for you to recover from the un-trigger warned swoon.) "By consent of the ruled" is the opiate of the people.

    You agree... before knowing the command(s)... to obey the command(s)... of "your" rulers... because they "allowed" you to select from the list of commands they will accept your acceptance of.

    Not doper logic. Not doper logic, at all.

    1. So why didn't you put it that simply to begin with?
      No, it wasn't an 'un-trigger warning swoon', it was a 'how much meth did this guy smoke before posting this?' thought.

    2. Could we distill the wordism to: The kleptocracy is a bunch of assholes? Ohio Guy

  12. Senior republican leaders are more interested in staying elected than being in charge of anything and/or doing good. Being 2nd means they can make all kinds of great proclamations without being held responsible for a single failure. Based on their actions these past 20 years, they'll do anything to remain in 2nd, up to and including sabotaging an elected president of their own party. When you elect a good person to office, shake their hand as they leave and tell them they will be greatly missed.....because that person no longer exists. A politician soon takes their place.

    A Conservative Independent

  13. @wirecutter September 4, 2021 at 10:53 AM

    > So why didn't you put it that simply to begin with?

    If you don't "show your work", idiots (and there's idiots everywhere) will insist they don't see it. With their own lying eyes.

    1. Well, make your work so a normal person can follow it then. That shit was nothing but pure nonsense.

    2. I tend to get overwhelmed with my own brilliance at times. I expect to be slapped down when I do so. Anonymous seems like they don't understand it when they got slapped down for their own verbal garbage. Some people never learn.

    3. That's because Anonymous thinks he's the smartest one here. He even says so with his 'there's idiots everywhere' remark.

    4. This isn't a comment. It is an unintelligible rant.

  14. @John September 4, 2021 at 10:23 AM

    > As is an awareness that you are writing for a blog, not on your soapbox in Hyde Park.

    While I agree there are idiots, everywhere, I do not presume ALL the readers, here, are so encumbered.

  15. Ken,
    I think your Anonymous Contributor here just might be K again, after a large helping of coke. I’m waiting for the goofy/over the top threats to start in 3… 2…
    -Just A Chemist

    1. Not his writing style, although I wondered the same thing myself the first few times he popped up here.

  16. "McConnell and McCarthy and the rest of them have managed to hitch their wagon to Biden." Neither are leaders. They are submission artists, go along to get along.
    McCONnell is more concerned about the leaders and Money of the Establishment Deep State, not his Constitutional duties or the citizens of the US. McCarthy is a Boehner and Ryan wanna be, no principles and no leadership.

  17. When the vote for anything comes around next time I sincerely hope everyone thinks long and hard about their choices and does a bit , even a wee bit of research into whose running for what and why. There are many Manet newcomers out there that have more sand and respect for our system and Constitution that the old used up windbags still in office have. I can't think of any but a small handful of republitard that are even worthy of holding office, Send the rest packing. Consider this: how bad can a newcomer fuck it up over what it is now. What have you got to lose? Time to change the regime and get rid of the eternal office holder crooks. Especially the mainstream republitards (everyone knows who I am talking about) and every single damn one of the commie demoncraps....

  18. Loser Republican politicians are still better off than 99.9% of the rest of the US.
    As such, they are actually lower than a democrat.

    1. Maybe you will wake up someday, but that isn't true. It is all for show. Anyone subscribing to mainstream narratives about political labels is both ignorant and naive.

  19. Hey Kenny;

    I was a lukewarm GOPer, was hardcore back when Reagan was President but the subsequent GOP presidents since were more squishy when it came to the donks, except H W whose foreign policy was excellent but unfortunately his domestic policy was well *meh*. I supported Trump because his wanted to put Americans first, something that neither party was interested in. Both hated "Middle America" for different reasons. The democrats like unfettered illegal immigration because they hope it will give them another monolithic voting blocks like the blacks and this will give them permanent majority rule, and the GOP likes the illegal because of the cheap labor. And the illegals are coming from oppressive governments and are used to being told what to doand they will not rock the boat, unlike us. They seek to replace us with a docile population that will not question their place in the food chain. Sorry for the rant.


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