
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

In red California, anger over recall blowout

On election day, Denise Pickens had a surprising feeling: Hope.

Surely, she figured, Gov. Gavin Newsom would be booted out of office. Or at least get a good scare.

There was such fervor here in rural Lassen County — where a whopping 84% of voters supported the recall, the highest percentage in the state — that it was hard not to believe it could happen.

Then Newsom's landslide victory landed like a kick in the shin with a steel-toed boot.


  1. Land-slide? Sir, that is not land, but I bet the roses will love it.

  2. This is why Beto will be the next Gov of Texas. Have you figured out that voting does not matter anymore?????

    1. If they can rig a national election, one little state rigging is simple.

    2. Voting at the Ballot box doesn't matter....

    3. oldvet1950,
      I mentioned this on
      after reading his 'milley' column:
      Americans have FOUR branches of government:
      * exec
      * judicial
      * legislative
      * thinking folk with firearms.
      Perpetual bureaucrat o'rourke will make a fine fine governor, and all his orders will receive the attention they deserve... then somebody caps the punk.... NHNF because he is an interchangeable replaceable plug-n-play.
      Meanwhile, what is the magician's other hand doing?

    4. "Have you figured out that voting does not matter anymore?????"

      My vote counted! But look what they did to me after...
      - Zombie Lee Harvey Oswald

  3. Not to mention the clear window on mail ins that could be exploited to see the yes/no part of the recall question. Postal minions then made the yes ones end up in the dumpsters.

  4. Surprised? It worked in 2020 and it'll work in 2024. The Democrats have found the Magic Bullet.

  5. Oldvet1950 - get your black pill, trolling, demoralizing campaign out of here. Shut the fuck up, you Democrat operative. We all have to vote.

    1. What, you think he's wrong? Where were you during the 2020 election?

    2. This election in calif was rigged from the moment it got approved. Until republicrats grow some balls and start cheating better than the democrats, no repubs will ever be elected again. Our votes no longer matters, it is who best rigs the election.

    3. "It is enough for the people to know they have voted. He who votes decides nothing, he who counts the votes decides everything" -Joe Stalin.

      Wash out your head gear, Boomer. Time to get with the program. Stop trying the same thing and expecting a different result.

    4. Texas is not Californicate. Beto will not win in Texas. Period.

    5. Hi there, Miles; you fed piece of shit! Oldvet is correct in his statement. And in not too much more time - no, those aren't firecrackers or cars backfiring... idiot. "We all have to vote" - you are one funny motherfucker. Go kill yourself.
      Original Grandpa

    6. And Arizona is not California, but the last 2 elections were stolen in Maricopa County. The senate steal (2018?) was the practice run for 2020.

  6. It is California! Blame fraud if you want, but a conservative is simply not going to gather the majority of votes for at least a few generations, if ever.

    Have you been to California lately?

  7. A friend of mine got a Georgia ballot in the mail here in Wisconsin last fall. The ballot was unsolicited and she had not lived in Georgia in years. In California they let people print out their own ballots.
    Paul J

  8. I'd say California has been frauding it for a long time.

  9. It's long past time for northeastern California to create its own state.

    1. Unfortunately that can't happen without the California Legislature's approval.
      Funny how that works, isn't it?

    2. The U.S. Constitution stipulates that no state can be made out of another state.
      The Federals ignored that during the War for Southern Independence as far as West Virginia was concerned but hopefully the current Supreme Court will follow that old maligned piece of paper.

  10. TINVOWOOT. The Demonrats have PROVEN that there will NEVER be another fair election bin America again as long as they are in power. And they are NEVER going on step down from office willingly or peacefully. We now have only two choices.....both ugly. One is complete slavery, the other is civil war.

  11. SOOOOOO freakin' happy to be OUTTA there!

  12. @Miles Carter September 21, 2021 at 11:19 AM

    > We all have to vote.

    Or... what?

  13. @Dan September 21, 2021 at 2:31 PM

    > We now have only two choices.....both ugly.

    Do you *actually* know anyone *stupid* enough to believe, such an obviously false, baseless, claim.

    1. Yes motherfucker there many he knows and millions he doesn't know. In the words of Joe Biden our patience is wearing thin. Be afraid, be very afraid. Anonymous does not hide anything on the net.

  14. They mailed out 22 MILLION ballots. One for every registered voter in Cali. And they are one of 31 states with crooked dominion-style voting machines. You were expecting something different?

  15. I’m saying that there are commenters on this site who are clearly false flag operatives trying to demoralize us, trying to get us to not vote. I agree that there is fraud but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. Keep voting Republican. Vote, dammit! Volunteer for campaigns. Get on your local school board or city council. Don’t let the defeatists stop you from even trying to beat the traitors. Do something. And the absolute minimum is to vote AGAINST the Democrats. Vote! Make it so hard for them to commit election fraud that it becomes obvious. Anyone who says that there is no point in voting is a Democrat op running a demoralization campaign.

    1. Sorry, but you're dead wrong about people that are saying there's no point in voting. The 2020 Presidential and the California Recall elections have proven them right.

      Let me ask you this: At what point does the old saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result" kick in?
      Another question: Do you honestly think the Republicans that fought Trump tooth and nail deserve your vote? Really?
      And what about all the Republican politicians that are in favor of mandatory vaccinations and mask mandates? You'll vote them back in again?

      Fuck all that. I voted Republican for the first time in the last two elections and those were the last ones. I'm going back to voting the Constitution Party ticket again.

  16. Then work harder (or at all, when’s the last time anyone reading this volunteered for a campaign) on primaries. I agree that there are a lot of suck ass Republicans. Primary them! But voting a NoOneKnowsOrCares third party is equivalent to voting Democrat. Don’t vote the Constitution party. Work to change the only viable conservative party.

    I come to this site to get jazzed up. And now you’re saying there’s no hope so let’s vote some third party that will never, ever have any impact except to get more Democrats elected. Good job.

    1. Yeah, and I mentioned voting the Constitution Party to a liberal acquaintance once and he told me "No, don't do that, it's like voting for Republican". So which is it? Is it a vote for a Democrat or a Republican?

      Now you're badmouthing me. I don't tell you or anybody else how to vote - that's up to each and every person to vote his conscience - yet you think you have the Right to tell me how to vote?

  17. The four R's. Revolt, reset, reload, repeat.
    . . . for as many times as necessary.

  18. WC save your airtime for that idiot miles he is as smart as Denise Pickens. I will vote, but straight democrat to kick those sorry ass rino's out of office.


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