
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Mixed messages in 2020 may be behind some ongoing vaccine resistance

The data is decidedly in favor of vaccinations leading to lower COVID-19 complications, hospitalizations, and death. (Personally, I got vaccinated against COVID-19 the moment I became eligible). 

Unfortunately, the politicization of the vaccine has seen many Americans condemning or demonizing the vaccine-resistant. Few or no people wary of COVID-19 vaccines are likely to say, “Hey, you know what, now that you’ve called me an assortment of ugly and vile names, I’ve changed my position.”


  1. What I find most puzzling is the people that are most against GMOs are willing to become one!

    1. This is excellent. Both hilarious and true.

    2. a very good point oldvet1950

    3. Too good not to steal!
      Expect seeing your quote in a Sesame St. meme soon!

  2. Good article. We have been lied to so many times we don’t know who to believe. As for me, I got the shot knowing it was experimental and at my age any consequences would not hurt anyone else. I still don’t recommend the vaccine for everyone as it will take years to finish testing. Also will throw out Biden is not my president just so everyone understands my view on his fake presidency.

  3. Might want to read this interview:

  4. I don't like Vox D but his post concerning the jab and those still supporting it as retarded I believe is on point.

  5. So far, it's a personal choice, as it should be. Just read an article indicating a federal judge in NY has ruled jab mandates are illegal under Amendment 1.

    Read an article about a nursing home resident in WA who was tied down and administered the jab against her will.

    Dead in less than a day.


  6. "The data is decidedly in favor of vaccinations leading to lower COVID-19 complications, hospitalizations, and death. (Personally, I got vaccinated against COVID-19 the moment I became eligible)."

    Okay. Here's a mini-fisk of the opening paragraph.

    1. It is entirely unclear whether the data ARE (it's a plural; layers and layers of editors my ass) showing that The Jab reduces Covid deaths. But even it did, so what? That was careful weasel wording that ignores side-effects (see below). Here's an example of how stupid (or deliberately misleading) that sentence is: I have a simple and virtually foolproof method to guarantee that you absolutely will not die of Covid. Some people can do it themselves, others might need a friend to help. Ready? Here goes:

    Get yourself a big plastic bag, a nice tough one, like a "contractor-grade trash bag". Get a roll of duct tape. Put the bag over your head, wrap it tightly around your neck using the duct tape. Make sure the seal is airtight. There! In about five minutes you will be eternally protected from dying of the Covids. No booster shot needed. No pesky clinic visit needed.

    My objection is to the wording. Even IF the Jab reduces Covid deaths and complications, what about the "off-target" effects? Reducing Covid risk by say, 10% but increasing other risk by say 20% is not a win. The spike protein, which your body is now programmed to make,, apparently degrades endothelial function. The endothelium is a single-cell layer that covers in the inside of ALL of your blood vessels. Endothelium regulates nitric oxide (NO) which is a vasodilator (makes your arteries expand, which is needed when you're exercising for example). Impaired endothelial function is one of the root causes of coronary heart disease (leading to heart attack) as well as related serious problems such as peripheral arterial disease (PAD, claudication). For practical purposes, the Jab seems to be just like giving yourself an autoimmune disease where your cells are making a substance that attacks another (critical) part of your body.

    I'm not even going to get into details of the myocarditis issues that are apparently affecting teenagers who have got the Jab. Myocarditis is literally an inflamation of the heart muscle, and can cause scarring. Scar in the heart muscle causes people to be far more likely to have arrhythmias, including fatal rhythms (e.g VT) that will kill you. But these are going to be long term problems, like decades down the road for the most part, so the Jab cultists can cheerfully ignore the problem for now. "Here, huff this known carcinogen today. Sure it give you a 90% chance of cancer in 30 years, but you won't notice a thing for the next three months. So this shit is totally safe. It's so safe that we'll put you in a concentration camp if you refuse to huff it."

    2. Who cares if the author has got the jab himself. It has no bearing on the truth or falsehood of what he is saying. It is totally irrelevant to the facts. All that little sentence in parentheses is is a virtue signal. "I'm one of the enlightened ones, I'm a good guy!" Good for you, enlightened good guy. Now fuck off.

  7. The three major side effects of The Stab are: Anaphylactic shock (been there, done that), Bell's Palsy (Am there, doing that), and arthritis flareups (again, am there, doing that). If any, or God forbid all, hit me again I could be crippled or dead. It ain't worth the risk.

  8. if anyone's still on the fence about getting the toxic, gene-altering, experimental-killed-every-animal-subject, couldn't get thru safety trials over 20 years, might wanna take 2 minutes and listen to this.....

  9. I'm a PhD data scientist. The most important parts of a study is the methodology that is soundly supported by a theoretical (or conceptual) framework (2 separate parts) . I've read the efficacy and many of the supporting studies for the vaxxes. They're complete bunk. No self-respecting (honest) researcher would sign their names to these. I would fail students for this sort of hack work. This is just like the tobacco companies paying researchers to find the benefits of smoking, oil companies that fracking isn't bad for the local environment, sugar doesn't make people fat, etc. Gibberish nonsense. I support fracking but it damages the local environment! Smoking may have benefits but it'll most likely contribute to your death! Sugar is turned into fat by your body!

    There may be benefits from the jab but there may also be consequences. The studies and statistics don't show the the benefits. We don't know how someone will react to covid. By saying getting the jab reduces symptoms is not provable by these studies. These studies mostly cover men under 70 that are healthy. They're not studying the effects on 55 y/o women who weigh 400 lbs w/ ocpd! There's a huge discrepancy in expected outcomes! It makes the studies dishonest.

    Be careful and make the decisions in the way you need to make them. I'm not saying the vax doesn't provide protection, I'm saying they have yet to prove it w/ their hokey studies.

    1. The data were getting now shows the vaxxers to be liars. They will never show enough benefit for the serious risks involved. I will not take any of the fake vaccines.

  10. How delightful that the author is so authoritative! There is one thing that is absolutely known and that is the number of vaccine caused deaths and adverse events from the vaccine THAT THE GOVERNMENT WILL ADMIT TO. Deaths are closing on ~15K. Previous vaccine roll outs were stopped at 50 or fewer deaths from the vaccine (Bird Flu and Swine Flu). Each time I read an article that begins with a false premise to bolster the balance of the article I stop wasting my time reading the article. The trials on the jab were not to be completed until 2023. The author is simply virtue signaling but this time, he has risked his life to do so.


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