
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Never Say Neigh: FDA Lists 'Horse Drug' As Approved COVID Treatment

While the media has spent more than a year ridiculing the widely-prescribed drug Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 - branding it a 'horse dewormer for idiots,' they've kept oddly silent about another widely prescribed drug that's also used in horses, which is being pushed by official bodies worldwide to treat the disease.


  1. Ivermectin itself is approved for use in humans with various types of roundworm infections. Has been for decades.

  2. Oh yes copying off patent drug change the name patent it and be able to rip off the public

  3. The FDA may say 'yes', but you can expect the CDC to say 'no'.
    Just like last week when the FDA said 'no' to boosters, and the CDC said 'yes'.
    Remember, medical doctors are no longer in charge of medical decisions, it is politicians who decide what is good for THEM.

    1. And they do the bidding of their masters at Big Pharm, who spreads money around with a bulldozer.

  4. my tractor supply no longer has the 1% injectible ivermectin on the shelf.Before it was behind a locked glass case, with signs all over stating it was dangerous for human use.

    Millions of Africans and S. Americans beg to differ as its been used for decades there.

  5. Sorry, but what a trainwreck of an article that's so mishmashed, most can't even tell what it's trying to say.

    I think it goes something like this:
    One type of drug, an anti-parasitic, is getting poo-pooed by the media because it can be used in horses.
    Another, completely different drug (a steroid), is the chosen one of acceptance.
    Because that steroid is also one of the thousands of medication that happens to be used in horses....outrage of some kind?
    Then back to the anti-parasitic to cite various examples of other countries touting its success.

    So overall I THINK it's an attempt to compare reactions to a different medication that happens to also be used on horses to try to use it as emphasis about the ridiculousness of the media's lock-step with official government sources instead of know...researching and thinking for themselves?

    1. That's what they're saying. Yes, they could write better.

      Now wait until povidone-iodine nasal spray makes the news (kills the virus in your sinuses in 15 seconds), or fluvoxamine aka Luvox(the original anti-depressant medicine, first cousin to Prozac, an SSRI [selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor], works against Long Covid) gains traction. Both work great. So does colchicine, a gout medicine. And the active ingredient in pepcid, famotidine, cuts the death risk by a lot. The media has it's work cut out for them, freshly hating on all the meds that fight this damn virus. And there are lots of them. Don't know how they're going to bash nitric oxide, which may be the best very early treatment going. Your nose makes the stuff all the time, but not enough to overcome the early viral load buildup in your sinuses. So take a puff or 3, and the 'rona is gone in 72 hours. Probably the best of them all is Proxalutamide, which was developed to fight prostate and breast cancer. Makes you nauseous, gives you diarrhea, but knocks the 'rona back 92%. Yup, MSM is going to be real busy.


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