
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday Video 8



  1. I cheered out loud for that one. Backwards hat, face buried in phone, oblivious to the world, and the fulfillment of karma, all in one.

  2. put the damned phone down and concentrate on the task at hand...

  3. My day is coming. My 80th is right around the corner and the dog isn't getting any calmer, weaker or smaller.

  4. So why does the woman just stand there and then bring her dog back towards the guy’s dog....egging him on...??

  5. So why does the woman just stand there and then bring her dog back towards the guy’s dog....egging him on...??

  6. A useless piece of an untrained canine and a useless piece of an untrained homo sapien.

  7. Happened to me once. I took the 95 pound rottie out back one night for a wizz, and stopped on the steps to admire the night sky. I didn't know she had spotted a rabbit in the back yard. She was on one of those 16 foot retractable leashes. With a 16 foot head start, next thing I knew I was lying on the backyard sidewalk, with her licking my face.

  8. I thought I was gonna see the bloody stump of an arm trailing the end of that leash. Maybe next time, eh? Ohio Guy

  9. I am just glad that my rescue 100 lb whatever is catatonic on a leash.

  10. If you invest no time in training and don’t correct the dog the first time he pulls on the lead, you get an animal that has no respect for you. I concur with the dog.

  11. If you invest no time in training and don’t correct the dog the first time he pulls on the lead, you get an animal that has no respect for you. I concur with the dog.

  12. If you invest no time in training and don’t correct the dog the first time he pulls on the lead, you get an animal that has no respect for you. I concur with the dog.

  13. 1: I hope that dumb fuck cracked a rib.
    2: That cunt stood there trying to get her dog or herself bit for a fucking payday instead of walking the fuck away so idiot boy could get his dogs calmed down.


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