
Monday, September 20, 2021

That was a shitty thing to do

SEPTEMBER 15--Cops may have identified a man who defecated inside a freezer case at an Oklahoma supermarket, a vile act that that was discovered after an unfortunate shopper placed her hand in the waste while reaching for a bag of Totino’s pizza rolls.


  1. Try to tell me that mother fucker don't belong in a jungle dancing bare assed around a fire. "We are behind" comes to mind.

  2. Kenny- can we still call "chimp out" on these?

  3. He was pissed he was broke and they weren't on his EBT card list

  4. Common practice in the metropolitan utopia of Wakanda.

  5. Worthless animals like this need to be culled from the herd while standing in a Bayou.

  6. so in the end, did the shopper "leave the Totino's and take the s**t'?

  7. Why did she not pay attention to where she put her hand?

    1. From what the article said, the nice gentleman hid the poo between two Totino's bags.

      Sly mother fucker! Gotsta remember me that trick...

  8. The deputies in Cleveland county need to jam a bag of pizza rolls up his ass and then beat him severely about his cement thick head with a length of 5/8 rebar. If he's still breathing after this conversation, then Tightly wrap his head in cling wrap and leave his sorry ass in a public location for the crows and buzzards as a warning to other subhuman trash.

  9. How do we know it wasn’t staged so the woman could sue for some extra sah-ree? Hopefully the investigation looks into any connection between the deuce dropper and deuce scooper!


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