
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Virginia Teacher Says ‘Positive Behavior’ Like ‘Sitting Quietly,’ ‘Following Directions’ Is White Supremacy

A Virginia high school teacher posted a TikTok video criticizing the state’s disciplinary approach which promotes such rules as sitting quietly and following directions as “white supremacy.” 

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework adopted by Virginia “to support positive academic and behavioral outcomes for all students” through “evidence-based prevention and intervention behavioral strategies.”


  1. Just a thought here, but how about separate schools. One for the White folks and another for the Knee-grows. Then each group could learn to the best of their abilities. One group could politely sit in class and study and learn and the other could act like they are at a chimpanzee reunion.

    1. Since I've been in both environments in my youth, this comment gets two thumbs up from me.

    2. As have I. Finally realized not long ago bussing was the first major progressive effort but it was so long ago I never thought about it. Wish the ypeepo would have shot the progressives in stead of that Gov.

      That guy is the biggest soi boi I have seen in a while.

  2. Another closet racist, using gooblydegook language to say people of color are unable to sit quietly nd learn, then calls for segregation. "Space for people of color" is no different then "Colored only".

  3. Simple solution. I could have made more money by ditching my kids in public school, but I will never regret homeschooling.

    Leave weenies like this to be slaughtered by their feral pets.

  4. they want your kids stupid. smart people do not fall for the bullshit they selling.
    a lot of this shit show started with the dept. of ed. started a\by peanut boy.
    same reason why they no longer teach history as we knew it. just social studies (??)
    back in the 1990's my kids high school book had 50 some pages on the civil rights movement
    and 2 and a half pages on ww2. when I asked about this, all I got was a shrug about it.
    I get my grandson for a week each summer, he learning history from books and shows I pick
    for him. he also gets a lot of range time with grandpa too !

  5. I wonder if the people making such statements realize that they're essentially saying, "This poor minority race is incapable of this basic function!" Like pushing back against voter ID laws is saying, "This poor minority race is too dumb to figure out how to get an ID so it's up to us, the benevolent master race, to help them!"

    1. It's the typical Progressive "Soft racism of low expectations." The Left are most often the "racists in the room".

  6. This 'teacher' needs a good session with a clue bat. I suggest and extra large one be applied vigorously about this moron's head and shoulders because he ain't got a clue as to how much of a moron he is.

  7. “One of the challenges of fighting for education justice is having to deal with people who have grown up in a hetero, white supremacist, patriarchal society,” Sez the white guy.

    My daugher did Teach for America for one year. Changed her whole outlook.

    It's all fun and games until the indigenous population figures they can get away with stuff, and he gets his gay white ass beaten down by a 19 year old black sophmore in class.

  8. I graduated high school in 1970. We had a 'Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports' program. It was simple, it produced results, and it was easy to understand.

    Someone suggested that classrooms be video recorded while in session, so that the parents could see what the little primates needed to work on. Well, that's not what happened, and nothing has changed.

    I admit I'd never make it as a school teacher, but eventually the students remaining in class would learn something about history, government, and social order.

  9. Strange everybody was sitting quietly in class between 60- and 80 years ago. When All races had intact family groups that actually gave a shit about getting a good education.

  10. I remember a time when if you couldn't sit quietly or disrupted the class, you got your ass warmed up with a wooden board. Aka, Paddle. Ohio Guy

  11. People are screeching that xe's *wrong*.

    *That's* why we have pedotranny story hour at the public library.

  12. Just put the mob in charge of education. "Yeah, so'z that kid in the tird row got mouthy an' raised his hands to me. You won't be seein' him no more. Now, let's get back to today's lesson..."

  13. Bring back segregated schools and then teach how we should all just get along....


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