
Thursday, September 02, 2021

Why did they even bother?

SACRAMENTO (AP) – California’s top court rejected an attempt to make it harder to impose the death penalty, ruling Thursday in favor of the current system where jurors need not unanimously agree on aggravating factors used to justify the punishment.


California's has a moratorium on the death penalty for quite a while now, thanks to Gavin Newsom.


  1. "justify the punishment" [of the death penalty]

    People need to get "capital punishment" out of their pointed heads. It is the death penalty. The point of killing (proven to be) bad people is to ensure there is no recidivism. Meaning they won't do it again. Period.

    The point of punishment is basically conditioning. Anything else is cruelty. You are trying to teach someone that if they do X then badness Y happens to them, and Y is sufficiently unpleasant that X is not worth it. If your puppy pisses on the carpet and you paddle him, you are trying to teach him to associate getting paddled (not fun) with pissing on the carpet. If you kill the puppy you are not teaching him anything. (And if you enjoy paddling puppies you are one sick fuck.)

    Punishment to teach a lesson is morally justified. Killing someone as "punishment" is taking onto yourself what should be in God's hands, if you want to look at it that way. Killing a murderer (or rapist, etc) should not be about punishment, it's about making sure that person never does it again.

    rant over

    1. "People need to get "capital punishment" out of their pointed heads. It is the death penalty."

      Technically, it's a sentence of "life in prison".

    2. “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in His own image God has made mankind.”

      There it is, from the Word of God. Man, through the justice system (?) is to shed a murderer’s blood.

  2. This is damage control. Nuisome is gone, they need to salt the earth. Look for more of the same.


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