
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

The taco was supposed to be harmless, entertaining even. 

The image of a hard-shell taco wielding maracas was posted Tuesday morning on a Florida county government Facebook page to commemorate the first day of National Hispanic Heritage Month. 

Instead, it prompted a wave of outrage on social media, with users decrying the depiction of the traditional Mexican food used to celebrate the richness and diversity of Latino cultures as a culturally insensitive stereotype. To others, it was the latest iteration of pervasive racism that has long targeted Latino communities.


  1. When is White heritage month?

    1. At my house it be every month, all month. The others can just suck it.

    2. I believe its in conjunction with Vanilla ice cream month, which was last month or this month, hell any month you want..... Remember WHITE PRIVILEGE baby!

    3. Same here, white privilege and white history is an everyday thing in my house. We like white in our family.

  2. The only really important questions actually is "how much outrage would there have been if they had NOT tried to celebrate Heritage Month".
    You can't win with the left.

  3. Humorless bastidges.

  4. damed if you do and damed if you don't. Anon and Unknown, those were my thoughts before I clicked on the comments.

  5. If Latinx (ugh) culture is so fricking wonderful, why don't they stay down in Latino countries? You know, instead of trying to sneak into here. And honestly, if we're going celebrate Latino culture, then every workplace should immediately adopt a siesta policy. It's the only right thing to do.

  6. how bout we cancel all these bullshit months "insert group" you want to celebrate? good, go back there and see why your ancestors left that shithole. then stfu and go back to work

  7. Okay, so where to begin. My mother was Mexican then naturalized here. So by their terms I'm only half racist.
    1) It's Hispanic Heritage month. You have to assume we're talking about Americans with some form of Heritage here.
    2) People in Mexico don't identify (hey, trying to use their language here) as Hispanic or Latinx, again whatever that is. You ask them, they will say Mexican.
    3) So the food in question, a hard taco with sour cream on it would fit more closely since it's likely to be from here but created by a Hispanic person IE TexMex.

    So what the hell is their problem? There is no problem. They are making shit up again to cry "racism" and keep the conversation there so we don't talk about that huge commie dick they are trying to shove up our collective keister.

  8. " Ai yi yi yi
    I am the Frito Bandito YEY HEE!
    I like Fritos Corn Chips,
    I love them I do!
    I want Fritos Corn Chips
    I'll get the from you."

  9. If the idiots aren't complaining they are looting so let them whine. Fuck Em

  10. Maybe instead of an offensive Taco they should have used a cute single dancing frijol wearing a sombrero and sun glasses accompanied by an arroz mariachi band.

  11. Traveling through Mexico since the 1960s, I shop open-air farmer markets.
    Among toy vendors, a staple is Mexican jumping beans, a tiny hard bean with a bug inside.
    I always suspected those bugs were racist.
    If we could only scold them enough, they would certainly see their error... and heretoafter vote socialism.

  12. One thing you can be damn sure of is the people who are "outraged" are not Hispanic.
    10 to 1 they are young White libtard morons.

  13. Among Latinos (X?) Mexicans are Ghetto; others are Cuban, Guatamalan, Argentine, etc. And don't you forget it! Them others is "civilized", not like dem illiterate taco-pounders.


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