
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

All righty then

Wesley Muhammad believes that the U.S. government and the Jews are using marijuana to make black men gay. The “Pot Plot” is a popular theory in Muhammad’s Nation of Islam cult. 

At the Saviours Day Convention in Chicago, an official Nation of Islam event, Wesley Muhammad claimed that, "It is Jewish genius that has helped… to weaponize the weed so that it may effeminize the black male of America. And be clear, it is Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam that is standing in between the total demasculinization of the black man in America.”


  1. I bet he's as bent as a paperclip and this is his way of blaming someone else for his desire to fuck guys in the ass.

    1. Yep - likely as straight as a dogs back leg.

      Phil B

  2. Shit, gay men have been completely accepted within the black community since I can remember. That's a long assed time in human years. They liked to use the term bisexual back in the sixties. First time I ever heard the word was from a black man in the military. "I aint queers, I is bisexual." I had no clue what he was saying at the time. Oh, he was asking if he could suck my dick. I nailed the mother fucker.

    1. They call it being on the down lo...something like that.

    2. "I nailed the mother fucker."

      To quote Sterling Archer: Dude, phrasing!

  3. I am thinking the fault is more the "great society" and the welfare state. The government dole has replaced the financial role of the breadwinner and usurped the importance of the father in the nuclear family. BLM and other leftist activists are attempting to codify the new paradigm by specifically stating that the nuclear family is nothing more than an antiquated vestige of the great white patriarchy and, therefore, anathema.

    I had more to say, but is is not socially polite and I ended up pulling it before I hit the publish button.

  4. Somehow, despite being and educated man, Wesley's logic is a screwed up as the rest of the dindo race hustlers.


  5. He probably swallowed the whole theme from "Buck Breaking" filmed in 2021.

  6. That's DOCTOR Wesley Muhammad (PhD) to you. He has lots of curious theories, apparently. As an example, here is an article (with a photo of him dressed as a bellhop for some unknown reason). The article also gave me the idea for a drinking game. Can you (y'all) guess what it is?

  7. I didn't know Barry Soetoro smoked weed, I thought he stuck with coke.
    Besides, it didn't turn Worthless Willie gay although it did destroy his taste in wimin.

  8. They may want to create a race of black queers according to his premise, but who is making them smoke that shite? Where does personal responsibility lay in his theory. If you are not smoking it it can't make you gay.
    Why am I able to poke holes in his logic so easily?

  9. This jackass is wayyy late to western societies' party of ills. Ohio Guy


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