
Monday, October 18, 2021

Commentary: America Might Be Headed for a Rome Versus Byzantium Scenario

In A.D. 286 the Roman emperor Diocletian split in half the huge Roman Empire administratively—and peacefully—under the control of two emperors. 

A Western empire included much of modern-day Western Europe and northwest Africa. The Eastern half controlled Eastern Europe, and parts of Asia, and northeastern Africa.


  1. Yes, give Vermont to the left, send all their 'voters' there (Dominion machines don't take up much space), and build a wall around it. We'll keep the rest.

    1. Maple syrup. You're giving up maple syrup?!?

      Okay, if it gets rid of Bernie, I guess I can buy Canadian maple syrup.

    2. We make maple syrup in Kentucky too. Just as tasty.
      Steve in Ky

  2. The 'western' empire accommodated the degenerate catholics, and Byzantium represented the Orthodox.

  3. The Western Empire lost the will to keep out unwelcome settlers, who didn't become Romans. Think on it, the Celts (Gauls), including the Britons, had become Romans (however grudgingly), while the Goths (Germans) didn't or couldn't, and the Huns, had no desire to. Rather than worrying about a regional split, let's all insist that we return to the "melting pot" idea, where new Americans, become indistinguishable from old Americans.
    The kids today are given the term Muligatwney stew, rather than melting pot, emphasizing that immigrants can remain as they were in the old country, as opposed to wanting to assimilate. Start the blame with Clinton, who signed the law allowing Americans to hold more than one nationality. No Man can serve two masters, we must have single citizenship, giving all those with dual citizenship six months to decide who they are loyal to.

  4. Nope.

    The grasshoppers gonna demand the ants keep feeding them until the ants get pissed enough to kill all the fucking grasshoppers and start over again.

    1. You've got that right. The "robber" class won't and can't survive without robbing from those who actually produce. There's no way in hell they'll let a peaceful split happen.

  5. Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul, have things really changed much? In America, the name has stayed the same, but our politics have continually changed, or have they?
    Since almost the very beginning, factions within the political hierarchy have sought ways to gain more power for their own interests, at the detriment of the other parties. Marbury v Madison was probably the first shot in a continual war against the constitution.
    I think that the echoes of it are reverberating louder and louder now. And of course, the Thomas Paine quote echoes loudest of all now.
    I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.

    Thomas Paine

    1. Thus "Si vis pacem, para bellum". Nemo

  6. Dividing a vast continent of equally arable land?

    Not the Spartan Lords of Buggery freeing the Helots to form their own nation state.

    Yeah, you slip that one in some orifice boomer. And wait. And throw money (to your own Lords of Buggery). And wait. Oh, and don't forget to VOAT HARDERER!

  7. Lets hope earthquakes make California disappear and a tsunami makes the upper east coast disappear.

  8. This would not work for America....for two reasons. One is the country is not divided along any meaningful geographic style. The commies are interspersed widely all over the country...yes there are some regions where they are more prevalent and others less so but they are everywhere.
    And the second reason is that the commies would never accept any sort of division, split, divorce or whatever you wish to call it. They want it ALL. And they will accept nothing less than total control over everything.

  9. Tried that once around 1861. The bastards dragged us back kicking and screaming after destroying and looting most of the land. And, as Dan suggests, unless we actually operate as a constitutional republic, we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes, only this time the communists are already well entrenched.


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