
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

FDA - "Yeah, fuck those kids"

The FDA panel has voted 17 to 0 to approve the Pfizer vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds. One of the FDA Panelists, Dr. Ruben, outlined his support by saying “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That’s the way it goes.”


I wonder, out of all those responsible for approving this shit, are volunteering their own kids and grandkids to get the shot so they can learn how safe it is.


  1. I wonder how deep they're going to bury the stats on kids that are permanently maimed or killed by this lunacy. Bad enough that 17000+ adults have been killed and who knows how many permanently maimed and/or disabled and that 70% of hospital admissions for Kung Flu are fully jabbed, yet they keep saying that the clot shot is safe and effective and it's the unjabbed that are causing all of the problems with continued spread and new "variants".

    I am and will remain in the control group.

    I can't wait for the clot shot persuasion team to show up at my door. I've got a spleen full of invective waiting for them that's been building for 22 months now.


  2. How could any responsible adult put a child under the needle with an experimental drug, knowing that it hasn't completed any long term safety trials, and knowing that during its limited deployment, its efficacy has been steadily diminishing and serious side effects continue to accrue? How could any parent use a child as a shield for older people? The child will live with the consequences for their entire life. For an older person, their entire life is but a few years.

    Children under 20 make up 25% of the US population. A full quarter of our population. How many deaths so far, for 86 million young? Less than 1000, and of those, most of these deaths were with serious comorbidities like cancer and obesity that were responsible. Administered under the Emergency Use Authorization, the drug companies are spared traditional legal exposure for bad consequences. How could a parent put their child in this position? How could a government mandate it? Really makes you wonder.

    1. Its the same assholes that cut the vocal chords out of dogs and let sand fleas eat their faces off, so yea, some fucked up individuals.

    2. Well, here's the data and it comes straight from a published, peer-reviewed study, compared to the stats right off the CDC site:
      From 1990-2018, there were a total of 78 qualified myocarditis cases that were triggered by vaccination. (

      So far this year, there are 1698 myocarditis cases driven by COVID vaccination. (

      That's good for a 3400% increase in vaccine-linked myocarditis cases under the age of 30 (when accounting for the difference in time frames). There's no way this is anything other than a deliberate poisoning of our youth.

    3. That's an insanely low rate, but then the vaers and cdc under report drastically as well, while over reporting cases of the chingflu.

  3. In the phizer test group 1 girl is permanently paralyzed. Her parents wrre refused permission to talk at the FDA meeting. How many others will have similar issues?

    The original FDA panel refused approval so they put together a new panel.


    1. Yup, you dont wanna play ball, there is a barefoot boy outside who will.

  4. What a great experiment!
    Inject experimental shit into little kids and see what happens while the goobermint protects the manufacturers from any liability.
    WWII Jap Unit 731 would be proud.

  5. you do know the the us state dept. BOUGHT ALL THE INFO THAT UNIT 731 HAD RIGHT ?
    and brought those fuckers into the country as well ? wonder where those assholes ended up
    here ? one of the few good things nixon did was to shut down bio weapon studies here in the us. and now we have this shit show and the assholes do need to be held to account for what they have done. forget the doj doing anything. we going to have too.

  6. We will never find out how dangerous it is until we give it to children.

    1. According to the same government, you have to pass a bill to know what's in it, too.

  7. This is beyond evil. Fascist tyrants!

    1. They're literally revolutionary communists, not fascists.

    2. I've always thought the argument over whether a group was "fascist" or "communist" was a bit like arguing over the number of angels dancing on the tip of pin. Not to sound like I'm running for president, but what different does it make?

      Joe Biden's Whitehouse is calling up Facebook and identifying posts that they want censored. By definition -- using private companies to enforce you're totalitarian policy is fascism (at least that's the the Democrats have been chanting since at least the 80s).

      On a similar vein, I've read where the Democratic Party (sic) of California has been identifying which accounts they want banned or shadow banned for Twitter -- who of course is happy to oblige.

      Are these fascist actions? Are these communist actions? Why choose?

      I remember in the 1980s we kept asking how good Germans could let the National Socialist gain power. I'm assuming that in 2060 school kids will be asking how good Americans allowed the Democratic party to gain power and destroy society and carry out another Holocaust.

      By the way, I've always hated when people jump to calling people fascist or Nazis. Unfortunately, this time it is warranted.

  8. Replies
    1. Not really - he only disliked certain specific groups. These guys want everybody dead.

  9. Per Johns Hopkins report, between 10 and 20 kids (ages 1-12?) have died from COVID who did NOT have co-morbids. The rate of myocarditis from the shot is listed as 1:9000.

    Explain again how the benefits outweigh the risks??

  10. I want every child, grandchild, great grandchild of those idiots to be vaxxed.

    1. Will a child be able to children of their own after being vax'd?

  11. Does anyone have the names of the panelists, their addresses and phone numbers? Just asking for some friends.

  12. There has always been evil motherfuckers in this world. Now, they're just loud and in your face evil. And everyone lets it go on. In the years to come, men are going to be forced to make an uncomfortable decision. Only then, will things begin to get better. I entered into this world a bloody little meat sack. I'll probably leave that way. Don't ever fear or bitch about it. What has to be done must be done. Ohio Guy

  13. Michael Yon put up a tweet from a female doctor who is proud, proud to have enrolled her own daughter in the test. There's a charming photo of a child's arm with a bandaid on it.
    "Today my 4yo had the privilege of participating in the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID19 vaccine clinical trial for 2-4yo. We are thankful to the scientist, pharmacists, & others involved in the vaccine development process for working to keep our children safe"

    1. And this woman Jill Weatherhead, MD is an Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases at Baylor. (Note that Peter McCullough, MD was Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor before they fired him for daring to question the safety of the COVID "vaccines". After which they sued him. Baylor was a great medical institution, with many top-notch people. It's a shame that the admin at Baylor has bought into this madness.)

      Virtue signalling is bad enough. Using your own four-year old to virtue signal is morally reprehensible. And if Dr "JillWeather" truly believes that it's a "privilege" for a child to be exposed to this dangerous Pfizer product, she's an idiot.


  15. Go to the link and check out the table, specifically children who have died of Covid. The percentage of the population that have died from Jan 1, 2020 thru Sept. 11, 2021 for each age from 5 to 11 is 0.000% of the population of each age group.

    May the Pfizer executives and the 17 members of the FDA panel all burn in Hell.

  16. Found one of these scumbags in an

  17. Let's try an injection experiment on those who want to do it to us, shall we?
    I'm ready.
    And if my kid is harmed from a jab that he was extorted into taking to keep a job he loves & worked hard for many years at, there are going to definitely be stacks of bodies among them.


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