
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Fucking assholes

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, many American families turned to pets to provide a sense of comfort and companionship. 

Now that life has gone back to normal in many ways, thousands of those pets are now being abandoned at shelters across the country.


  1. worthless muther phuks, thats why I prefer my dogs company over most bipeds...well, except the wife of course..heh

  2. Well, when the universe revolves around you, what's to regret about disposing of something that's not you? Pretty much reached the point that it should take a substantial effort to gain possession of a dog; or maybe lose a finger every time the owner dumps one w/o substantial cause.

    1. I like the "lose a finger" better than making it hard to obtain. I know a lot of people that don't have a huge disposable income, but absolutely love dogs -- and take good care of them.

      My grandmother's neighbor was a retired school teacher with a very measly income. Her biggest monthly expense was medical bills for her dogs. Then food for her dogs. Then food for herself. She never married, never had kids. I'm not sure what she would have done without her furry friends.

  3. What Hey Booms said; too bad there wasn't a line in Vegas on this. Would've been the easiest money to win.

  4. My oldest kid had been begging for a dog for quite a while, ever since he moved in with me and got away from his mother. I finally gave in back in December of 2020. My condition was that we weren't going to get a puppy. Humane society had a 1 year old black lab. I didn't know that was still a puppy, but I found out the hard way. Dog loves everyone in the house, but me most of all for some reason. She's relatively well behaved, and I could no more dump her in a shelter than I could my kids. When you adopt a dog it becomes part of the family, not a toy you can get rid of when you're done playing with it. People suck.

  5. This isn't the only reason for the abandonment. Here the shelters got overcrowded very early, when business's shut down and folks were out of work. I agree with others sentiments as stated above though, people can really suck. I rescue animals here, two dogs, three indoor/outdoor cats and a couple more outside. Feed anyone who shows up outside. Back when the main employer in the county went out about fifteen years ago, folks who lost their homes just up and left everything, including pets. That SUCKED. I watched two dogs starve, couldn't catch them. Cats all over, we saved a few. Then the coyotes moved in, and the cat overpopulation problem was "alleviated" pretty rapidly.

  6. QED: The more people I meet, the more I love my dogs.

  7. Same people donate to Fauci's beagle fund.

  8. They fight for the ‘right’ to dispose of children. You think a pet is going to make these POS lose sleep. 😡😡😡

  9. Sometimes I wonder if depopulating 98% of humanity isn't such a terrible thing. I prefer dogs over people any day, I would even take a coyote in.

    Everything is on hold until my woofer's upcoming tumor removal is handled; dogo takes priority on expenses and even then, his are small.


    1. Depopulating a large chunk of humanity would be fine -- except for the people deciding who lives and who dies are the same ones funding the torture of beagles.

    2. "Sometimes I wonder if depopulating 98% of humanity isn't such a terrible thing."

      That's the general plan, but to put this peasants don't have the secret decoder ring.
      - The Elites

  10. Eugene, Oregon.
    Our farm is an informal rescue for RedHeelers.
    I estimate 99.999% of good-intentioned puppy buyers are utterly clueless about adopting a working-class dog as a pet.
    With our RedHeelers, I enjoy the contest of wills.
    Few humans are equipped to deal with an intelligent and often aggressive beast weighing 30# but carrying two tons of attitude.
    I do not blame puppy buyers.
    I blame their parents for failing to teach their children the joys of solitude.
    Not every minute needs Music!, Gossip!, Shopping!.

  11. Shortly after "101 Dalmations" hit the movie screens there was a huge run on Dalmation puppies for over a year. Not very long afterward there were record numbers of the breed showing up in adoption shelters.

  12. Put the owners down. Who needs 'em? Fuckers.


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