
Monday, October 04, 2021


Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp have been down for more than three hours as of mid-day Monday. All three platforms stopped working shortly before noon ET. The platform currently boasts 3 billion users and the outage is already into its third hour. 

The websites and apps for all of the services were responding with server errors. Reports on showed the outages appear to be widespread, but it’s unclear if it impacts all users or just some locations. It’s not currently known what’s causing the outage.


See what happens when Facebook fucks around and suspends me?

I bet people are freaking the hell out over this. I can see it now - people are wandering aimlessly around cities staring at their phones, babes are in restaurants taking pictures of their food but can't post them, white girls can't post pictures of their Starbucks pumpkin spice whatevers, and mommies can't post the latest pictures of their butt ugly 134 week old kids that nobody looks at anyway.
Omigod, whatever are we going to do?


  1. Hell ya I'm pissed. I'm sitting here not being able to re post all the shit from you to FB!!!!!!!

  2. Now, if only Twitter can be knocked off the net

  3. They crashed when everyone went to see what bad thing you posted.

  4. Social media. I literally can't believe people are addicted to that crap.
    I guess it's all part of living in an Idiocracy.

    1. I don't do either, but if it comes down to Social Media vs. Oxytocin I'll take the Opioid fork in the road.

  5. could not happen to a better group. You have heard there stock is dropping and someone went all telling on FB on Sixty Minutes. Apparently had some major dirt the users did not like.

    1. Seems to me that whistle blower is just an advocate for government censorship of the public discourse.

  6. I hope its a ransom attack & the Russian hacker gets a boat load of Rubles from Comrade Zuckerberg...

  7. Good, fuck dem assholes

  8. Some IT guy is going to get fired. One of FB's net guru's apparently modified their Border Gateway Protocol causing their sites to disappear from or not be recognized by the DNS system according Mail Online.


    Now if they could only make Zuckersuck to do the same we'd be making progress.


  9. ... and the day before a whistleblower is scheduled to testify.

  10. Whatsapp is the main way of communicating in Nicaragua. Couldnt message my buyer and now i am stuck waiting with 2000lbs of passion fruit looking for another buyer. At a truck stop with my 3 year old daughter. I have a feeling i am about to get screwed on price...

    1. Obviously I don't know your system. But the growers I know in wine grapes and tree nuts have contracts in place well before harvest. That means the only thing left is transportation and the shippers and delivery are already established.

    2. Passion fruit is a continuous ebb and flow harvest for 5 years. My buyer comes from el salvador. 2 central american borders to cross means his arrival time is sporadic and our communication is strictly whatsapp as calling foreign phones means buying inyernational minutes...
      I sold the fruit. Didnt lose my shirt but had to unload it myself. Now my back hurts.

  11. I don't do any of those things but I sure am glad to hear they crashed.

  12. I just read about this and I would have never known as I loathe FB and the other large social media gestapo folks and do not participate. Sad that there are so many folks freaked out and this is their only form of communication?

    It will be interesting when the grid goes down for 6 months due to a Carrington event or EMP bomb.

  13. I don't know about those sites but today I experienced problems with cell signals, UPS tracking, and credit card transactions at various stores. It wasn't only me as about ten other persons said they too were having problems with electronic communication systems. Three of those persons had traveled across states today so the problems weren't just this locale.

    1. I don't use a cell phone but I was at 3 different stores today and had no problems with any of my electronic transactions.

  14. Today I very nearly hit a guy about early 30s walking with his head down staring at his phone. I probably should had hit him anyway, he had a man bun and scruffy beard.

  15. Dang, I never even noticed.

  16. I wouldn't have know it was down either. Don't care either way.

  17. If I hadn't read here that they were offline I never would have known.

  18. I have two gps drones that were impossible to control today. Had to emergency land them both. Weird.

  19. I was busy in meat space, never even knew until I looked at your site today. I have fakebook, but it's limited to people I've either shared a bottle, a board, or a bed with. If I never met you in the real world why would I want to waste my time with you on line.
    I use it to Chat with people I have been stationed with over the years, and see who is still kicking after our mis spent youth.


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