
Monday, October 18, 2021

I've got nothin' here...



  1. find more here;

  2. I was sitting with a friend and his wife one day the man was digging in his ear. His wife said for cripes sake Ronny yer gonna break your ear drum. He kept digging and shaking his head. Alla sudden he said oh my god look at this! A damn ball a wax near the size of a marble had come outta his ear. Gross but pretty amazing at the same time. If yer wondering this guy was one of the cleanest well groomed men I ever met. An MP in the Army and he was always squared away.

  3. was that taken out all at one time? it would explain a lot with our typical leftist citizens

  4. My nephew gave me that for Christmas, i thought it was so cool until i found out it wasn't real

  5. I read somewhere long ago, that a little wax was good as it protected the eardrum?

  6. Emma's got one for Booger green marmalade too.

  7. Gwyneth is asking herself, Why the fuck didn't I think of that?

  8. I gave one out as a Dirty Santa gift at our company Christmas party one year. The look on the poor woman who got it was priceless. It ended up being re-gifted at the Christmas party every year after that.

  9. The now-defunct "Mythbusters" TV program on Discovery Channel did a show about Earwax. They made two conclusions: 1. It does NOT burn like a candle; 2. It makes researchers puke while collecting it.

  10. I can't even imagine how it would smell. Not like lavender mist or pumpkin spice, I am sure


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