
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Not bad, not bad at all

 I can't post these on FB because I'm suspended yet again, but they're too good to not share with y'all while they're fresh.


  1. Sad for the person he killed. However, it is gratifying to see this asshole get a taste of his own hubris. Now, no one in Hollywierd, the MSM or his far left Demonrat buddies in politics will touch him with ten foot pole and he gets to loose his fortune in the process between attorney's fee and civil judgements. It would be even better if, in addition to all that, he has to do time in jail, but I don't see that happening.

    I wonder if his not Spanish, not a minority wife, Hilarity, will dump him. That would be icing on the cake.


  2. This story get stranger as time goes on. There was a big protest by the film crew over gun safety. Apparently they had two previous gun incidents. The woman that was killed was one of the people complaining the most. The film crew had just walked off the set before this took place. So why was Baldwin discharging a firearm if he wasn't being filmed. Baldwin is a pompous ass and a bully. This could get interesting. The info came from FOX News reports.

    1. Whether he thought the gun was loaded or not, why did he pick it up and point it at the woman and pull the trigger?

  3. Ok I have been on the road for the last few days snow birding south of Tucson. What did I miss? This Jack hole waste someone on a movie set? Damn thats sucks.

  4. Between 2NDs already and the fact Baldshit is not only a producer but his production company is backing the film - he be fucked.
    Good luck Baldshit getting insurance for anything but a cartoon from here on.

  5. Saw one where he had a tear drop tat under his eye.

  6. scene needed 2nd take, he flat told them he was gonna shoot them...blam

    stupid shit wins stupid prizes, hope his prize is equally shitty

  7. Never point a weapon at anything unless you want to destroy or kill it. Did you clear the weapon? Did you verify unloaded. It's obvious this POS knows absolutely nothing about firearms other than what he has learned making make believe movies.

  8. Lights, camera, FIRE

  9. I posted them all and I am already on thin ice with zuckerbuck

  10. I am so friggin tired of all the idiots saying how this was not his fault, it was the prop person's fault, an accident etc etc ad nauseum. I have tried explaining the rules of firearms and how if Baldwin was not such a dickhead about weapons, they might have had NRA Or other training or at least followed the 4 Rules of gun safety.
    One would have thought things would be a lot more controlled after Brandon Lee was shot.
    I hope he finds jail time, but we all pretty much know the chances of that are close to nil.

  11. That stupid bastard.

    Keep your damn booger hook off the bang switch until you want to destroy a target.

    Perhaps he actually followed that rule? The guy is a well known bitch.

    1. They wanted a shot of him firing at the camera. They probably had a plexiglass shield sufficient to stop the wadding from a blank, but the gun was somehow loaded with a live round and went right through the shield. If Baldwin had _only_ been an actor, he would be guiltless, because movie-set rules say the actor is too dumb to load or check the gun.

      But he was also the producer. He allowed the crew to do target practice with the guns, so there were live rounds on a set that should have only had blanks. He hired the prop man who loaded the gun and handed it to him; either he hired an incompetent, or drove the crew so hard that people got confused and essential safety steps were skipped. And he ignored previous warnings that there were safety issues.

  12. I can't stand the son of a bitch. I hope this ruins him.

    1. Every time I see his work, I quickly think "This could be anybody else performing that role."
      In other words, he lacks 'draw', that 'star quality'.


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