
Friday, October 01, 2021

PG&E Charged In Zogg Wildfire Last Year That Killed 4

REDDING, Calif. (CBS13/AP) — Pacific Gas and Electric was charged Friday with manslaughter and other crimes after its equipment sparked a Zogg Fire last year that killed four people and destroyed hundreds of homes, prosecutors said. 

It is the latest action against the nation’s largest utility, which pleaded guilty last year to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter in a 2018 blaze ignited by its long-neglected electrical grid that nearly destroyed the town of Paradise and became the deadliest U.S. wildfire in a century.


  1. So, the COMPANY was charged with felonies, but the managers and the .gov that made this situation become a catastrophe get away scott free. BFD.


    1. Nothing to add, Nemo says it all.

    2. Wondering if they got their performance bonuses?

    3. Yes, Mr. Bits. They all did.

      This woman was touted as the 'First Latino Woman CEO of a Fortune 500 Company". She was promoted 20 months before the Camp Fire and resigned two months after the fire, which was immediately before PG&E declared bankruptcy in 2019. As she left she was given $2.6 million in severance pay as a thank you for her 22 months of dedicated service to the company as they destroyed an entire town and killed 84 people.

    4. Hell, Pfizer has plead guilty to felonies and is still in business; doing rather well, in fact.

  2. Plus, the customers all get to pay More now.
    Anybody at PGE going to jail? Then stop wasting our time.

    1. Zactly, this is all on the taxpayer to lawyer steamroll, then campaign contributions.

  3. This is procedural. It opens the doors for plaintiffs to sue for losing loved ones or property.

    If it was meant that someone would be going to jail, the government would look in the mirror.

  4. It is the stupidest thing I ever heard of. So what is the goal? Make PG&E go bankrupt? Make them spend all their income on lawyers and paying off judgements and therefore the entire system goes down from lack of maintainence? There cannot be a good outcome to this it is stupid. Did anyone get sued when earthquakes caused bay bridges and elevated interstates to collapse??? Why not, same thing. The real problem that caused this fire to be so devastating was the excessive wind. Blame god!

    1. Horseshit. The wind didn't blow before these fires? PG&E didn't maintain or upgrade their power lines because of negligence and the fucking tree huggers, plain and simple.

    2. Bingo! We know the reasons why. Misfeasance on all sides.

    3. .gov sure as hell was as much to blame as the tree-huggers. California has the perfect trifecta of greed, loons, and idiots when it comes to forest management and energy.

    4. Funny you should mention lack of maintenance. The Camp Fire, which was the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California's history, also started on a windy day. It started when hardware broke on a 115 kV transmission line that was almost 100 years old. The hardware that broke had never been replaced in the life of that line. The hook that broke was almost completely worn through and had had only been inspected from the ground through binoculars or by helicopter and never by a lineman that had actually climbed the tower.
      Was the Camp Fire an act of God?

    5. "Was the Camp Fire an act of God?"

      You said it yourself, it was the wind.

    6. Unfuckingbelievable - you ignored everything in his comment about antiquated and unmaintained equipment and again blamed it on the wind.
      Get your head out of your ass before you comment again, please.

  5. Just seems wrong that the corporation will pay damages which will be passed on to the rate payer, rather than taken from the salaries of the board of directors and bonuses of executive management.

    1. And irony of ironies- the Federal Bankruptcy Judge awarded victims of the Camp Fire shares of PG&E stock in lieu of cash settlements, since PG&E had just come out of bankruptcy and had no cash. Some victims are unable to rebuild until they get some money, yet are being told by the county that they have to leave their property because they haven't begun the rebuilding process.

      So they have no money and will soon have no place to live, but by golly they've got worthless stock in the corporation that is responsible for burning their homes down to begin with. Isn't that peachy?


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