
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sunday gifdump

I don't know why there's issues in viewing these gifs today. If they don't work right off, refresh the page until they do.













  1. #3. Guess who's going to the shittiest nursing home on the continent?

    1. Nursing Home? Anyone who eats Ben & Jerry's should be shipped off to a concentration camp.

    2. Ben and Jerry have not owned Ben and Jerry’s for quite a while. Unless they were somehow able to buy it back, which I doubt.

    3. Ben & Jerry's was sold in 2000 to British conglomerate Unilever, however in an acquisition agreement, Unilever agreed to carry on the company’s tradition of engaging "in critical, global economic and social missions. They're freakin' Commies.

    4. B&J is owned by Unilever, see for a bunch of products to boycott. Ben & Jerry are allowed by Unilever to do all the social justice they desire.

      Take it out on the enemy. The high road doesn't work in the current times. When you are in the store take out a B&J from the freezer case and leave it someplace else. Motivate the stores to stop selling it a pint at a time.

      Bogside is right.

    5. Regardless, Ben & Jerry is still a left wing woke corporation (latest against Israel) and as a conservative, I refuse to purchase their products.

    6. Anon, why don't you just boycott every damned left wing corporation? Unless you live on a large farm where you can raise your own food to eat and cotton to make your own clothing along with the skills needed to do so, you're going to be in a world of hurt - plus you're going to be walking every where you go because all the car makers are left wing also.
      And like I said last time you suggested leaving ice cream out, that's just fucking childish - the grocery store has already paid for that ice cream so you're not hurting Ben and Jerry's one bit. The only person you are hurting or pissing off is the (possibly) conservative store owner and the poor sap that has to clean up after you.

    7. I didn't give a rat about the ice cream... look at the moron teasing the kid. I'd slap him upside the head.

    8. So as a side note? Ben and Jerry were partners. Kind of college,friends? Maybe even before that. Their first place was a gas station converted to an ice cream place. The less bright of the two was renting a place on Lake Champlain in the winter. Freezing his ass off. Going out on the lake, cutting up chunks of ice with which to make his ice cream. Bush league stuff. Anyway, let me get to the funny part. The town of Burlington offers to help them build the big plant they have there now. Win-win, right? Jobs for everyone. So Ben and Jerry become the minority share holders. Here comes Unilever. They wanted a Super premium brand ice cream. They tender an offer for all the shares. Offer accepted. Ben and Jerry have their money. The partner that was chipping the ice out of the lake at the beginning? He insists that they keep him on for a few years as an employee. They agree. After the sale the guy goes into the plant, walks up to his office door and it’s locked. He asks why his office is locked. They tell him it’s not his office anymore. He asks them what he is supposed to do without an office. They tell him he doesn’t need an office because his position doesn’t have a job description……

    9. WC you likely know as well as anyone that it is big (woke) corporations retailing the vast majority of groceries. WalMart/Kroger/Safeway alone control something near 40%. That small operator is mostly a relic, and how conservative could one be if they are still stocking B&J. Maybe by you there's more small guys, but most folk are in a big chain.

      I'm not going to fret about costing a big chain a pint. I will vote my wallet and boycott as best I can, but to little effect because most people on the right won't fight back. B&J is only 1 trite example of that.

      Well, it's Sunday and you are supposed to be recharging and not bickering anyway. Thank you for your fine blog and have a good remainder of your day. I'd be fine if you don't approve this one, it's always your call. I don't care to disagree with the host really.

    10. I also do not buy B&Js. I'm not kidding myself - don't believe I will change anything about them. It's just that this is a brand where I've chosen not to contribute anymore. It's that simple. I'm not playing the game with them. No doubt there are other brands which I could avoid too. You make your own choices, one at a time. For me, it was after I heard so many libs talking about how they'd never buy from Chik Fil A or fight against them opening stores. They have to pay a price for their actions or it will never change.

    11. Farm-To-Spoon frozen dessert.
      Made from cauliflower.
      Great stuff.
      Ideal treats for those with allergies to casein (pretty much everybody outside of baby cows).
      If you didn't know, you would swear it is the richest creamiest ice-cream.
      You won't find any in a thirty-mile circle around Eugene, Oregon.
      I own it all...

  2. I used to know a guy, that used to get shot out of a cannon. Up until a bad landing just about ripped his leg off. He said it was Americas largest travelling circus canon.

    1. They had to retire it; seems it's hard to find a man of his caliber...

  3. What is with the 404 errors today?

    1. No clue. Try refreshing the page, it worked for me.

  4. #1 I do not get the whole bottle flipping thing . take a bottle with a little water in it and toss it , if it happens to land upright they act like it was a huge accomplishment WTF ? Here's a challenge for ya kids , go on out there and get a job !

    1. sad commentary on society. AS IF THAT IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT

    2. It seems to me that it's not just that the bottle initially landed upright. It appears that it also flipped over back to the cap on its own. Bottle expansion?
      The slight twisting before she flipped it? PFM?

    3. Indeed that is pathetic. There's a lot of fake accomplishment to go around. On the weekends plenty of men wear someone else's name on their back and celebrate as if they'd won the big** game themselves.

      **big game is every weekend in jock snifferland. Spearchucker Jones wannabes.

  5. Kenny, it is all over the web on numerous blogs. So don't feel like you are being picked on...

    1. Yeah, all of my favorite sites are doing it today.

    2. i thought it was just me

    3. No problems on with the Brave browser.

  6. Did #7 get her moomoo stuck?

  7. #3 is a real dickhead ahole.............

  8. #6 is at the Mississippi Aquarium in Biloxi. That's a pitiful looking shark.

    1. The shark is MS-13 and is flashing his gang sign.

    2. But, seriously, what's up with that shark? That can't be comfortable.

  9. #1 Hey girl, if that's what gets you excited in life, get ready for years of dissapointment.

  10. #5...Karen in training?

    #9: You rarely see a performer of his caliber anymore.

  11. #3 B&Js is socialist ice cream and he is acting like a typical socialist. That is to say an asshole.

  12. Re Ben and Jerry's and Unilever they make a big thing about being ethical and not selling ice cream to the Israelis because of so called human rights bollocks. Meanwhile they have zero problems with being the largest non Chinese seller of ice cream in China... You know the place with real concentration camps etc etc.... Hypocritical twats.

  13. #4 is funny if real. I don’t even know what is real anymore. Thank god nobody else does either. I’d hate to be in this by myself. Eod1sg Ret

  14. In my country they push the birthday guy's face in the cake.

  15. Regarding Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream: Just boycott that brand and buy something elese. Simple

  16. If you live in TX, you can have Bluebell. Pistachio Almond and their Rocky Road are the best.
    Who needs B & J?



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