
Sunday, October 03, 2021

Sunday Video 5



  1. It looks like the planning commission and city engineers took a bribe from the slip and fall lawyers

  2. Pick up your feet & watch where you're going. Great advice from my old man back in the day.

  3. Well hopefully the powers that be removed those damn things?

    1. They put them there in the first place. Some 'expert', probably after several studies and consultations with 'experts' at other cities, decided this was a good idea.

    2. Indeed, the powers that be put them there. Now lets hope they have the ability to see their mistake and have them removed.

  4. Whoever came up with the idea of putting those concrete logs to mark the bike lane for “safety” needs to be taken out back, staked out, and have the logs stacked on his chest until he smothers. Or is that too merciful?

    1. The mediaeval practice of being "pressed to enter a plea" in a court case.
      Then, if you entered a plea, whether "guilty" or "not guilty" you could be convicted and you and your family sentenced. If you didn't enter a plea, no trial could be held.
      That is also why US courts allow the judge to enter a "not guilty" plea on behalf of an accused.
      John in Indy

    2. Looks like this was only used one time in America:

  5. Ahhh . . . maybe we should move those things.

  6. Man, the older I get, the more even the thought of falling gets me. I used to run down mountains, snowboard off precipices and jump out of airplanes.

  7. City folk. Country folk look at what they are steppin on

  8. Hahah, better than a swries of nut shots.
    Stupid is as stupid does, watch where you're going! They're 6 inches tall and painted bright yellow, Darwin has rules about people like you...

  9. Reminds me of Sacrademento (yes, you read that right) where they put the bike lanes behind parked cars. You can’t see the cyclists until you plow into one when you turn right.

  10. The city is begging for a lawsuit, poorly placed bumps; usually roads are entirely flat. My grandfather broke his leg due to an unmarked hole (city paid the bill). I found another unmarked hole hidden in the grass beside a sidewalk, not sure if I marked it but I had to tell other people running the trail that it was there.

    Sometimes the cities deserve the lawsuits and more.


  11. It took a dozen bureaucrats to make that cross-walk ADA compliant.
    It took an other dozen bureaucrats to place those bumps there.
    When one of those two dozen bureaucrats broke a leg they decided "maybe we should work together" and created a new separate committee of a dozen bureaucrats to study the safety issues at this cross-walk. Once this committee concluded that changes were necessary a new committee of a dozen bureaucrats was created to suggest what to change. The first item on the to-do list was the creation of an environmental impact study, comprising of, surprise, an other dozen bureaucrats.
    The city is awaiting the results.

  12. As far as I can tell, traffic engineers are those who were at the bottom of their engineering classes, and could not get a better job in the field. Makes me glad those types aren't responsible for the buildings we live in.

    1. My cousin married one.

      Her first achievement as an affirmative hire on the local council was to plant trees in the middle of suburban streets.

      Nobody dared contradict her, even when the bus company cancelled routes because the newly "greened" streets were now too narrow for buses.

  13. The species ain't gonna make it.

  14. Meh, put there on purpose. Revenue for the lawyers upon settlement. Kick back to city administrators for their fine work.

  15. Not going to be removed. Have seen those in Brazil and Peru. The only way to (mostly) keep cars out of the "bus only" lanes is to put up those barriers as once in lane, normal car can't get out without damage. Yeah, people walk without looking down.

  16. Well, the good news is virtually all of those graceful dancers had their masks on...

  17. Bicyclists lobbying to fuck things usual.


  18. The snow plows oughta take care of em after a bit...if they get snow there. Ohio Guy

  19. As I watch this video, the one thing I DON'T see are any bicycles using the lane that has been designated and marked for that purpose...


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