
Friday, October 29, 2021

That's nice, but what about non-emergencies?

The Ohio Senate has solidified gun rights, limited government power in an emergency and clarified knives are included in the right to bear arms. 

Senate Bill 185, which passed 23-7, stops the state or local governments from confiscating any lawfully owned gun during a declared emergency. Sen. Tim Schaffer, R-Lancaster, said it protects Ohioans’ right to protect themselves and does not add any new gun rights.


Yes, I'm aware it was written to prevent Katrina-style confiscations, but what about red flag laws? According to the USCC site, they don't have a red flag law yet. Will this measure prevent them from passing one?
And what happens when Brandon's ATF Boys decide that AR pistols are illegal?


  1. That interpretation prevents the ordering of "emergency" actions but leaves existing legislation in effect. That means if there waa a "Red Flag" law they can use it against gun owners in any situation. "Red Flag" confiscation laws are always a threat to lawful gun owners. Remember, also, if "martial law" or any such similar is declared, "open carry" in public might get you on the target list. Just sayin'. Consult a local lawyer or LEO about "acceptable" tactics.

  2. Never will i ever ask a cop if something is legal.

    The prevailing attitude is to arrest and let the lawyers and judges sort it out.


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