
Thursday, October 28, 2021

What in the hell did she expect out of a processed 'pastry'?

EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. - Holy strawberries! Kellogg’s may be in a jam after a $5 million class-action lawsuit was filed over the alleged lack of the berry in the company’s frosted strawberry-flavored Pop-Tarts. 


  1. Never under estimate the lengths some "I'm gonna win the lottery" people will go with the encouragement of shyster lawyers.

  2. Those things are poison.

    Chutes Magoo

  3. The worst thing about this must be that in starting the action you're broadcasting the fact that you eat that shit!

  4. The worst thing about this must be that in starting the action you're broadcasting the fact that you eat that shit!

  5. Will she sue Pinocchio Joe's 'government' for not 'governing' and instead DESTROYING?

  6. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? You eat those things you get what you get. I used to pick and eat wid strawberries in Grandpa's woods in Northern Michigan and I can tell you that what is called strawberry flavoring is a copy of a copy of a copy and not related to strawberries.

  7. How much are you inconvenienced by eating a pop tart that isn't as good as it looked in the ads? What does a pack of these things cost, two or three dollars? So you try them, you are disappointed and you don't buy them again.

    1. "What does a pack of these things cost, two or three dollars?"

      Multiplied by a couple million consumers, and that $2-3 adds up to a lot of money. That's why class action suits are such big business.

  8. Everybody's looking for a get rich quick scam these days. Nemo

  9. I don't care what the hell's in it (or not in it), that shit is the knees bees and tastes phenomenal. One of my regular go to evening desserts. This bitch better not ruin this for me going forward.

  10. If you're eating Pop Tarts, why in the hell would you care about the actual fruit content? Does it taste good? If yes, shut the fuck up and go away. If not, don't buy them.

  11. Holy crap! I'm devastated!

  12. I am shocked. SHOCKED, I say. Well, maybe not so much...

    I avoid highly processed foods as much as I can. Many fruit products use apple and pear components for sweetening. I hate it when strawberry products (or anything else) end up tasting like pureed apples. I mean, really? If you cook using less processed ingredients, then you have more control over what goes into the products you eat. It takes more work, I get it. But we have been doing this for years and I cannot stand the chemical taste that is prevalent in so much commercial fare.


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