
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

White House not stolen, but bought with Zuckerberg’s money

Nearly a year has passed since the 2020 election, yet there has not been a clear, satisfactory answer to the central mystery: How did a dull, declining Joe Biden manage to get more than 81 million votes and win the presidency? 

After all, Biden spent most of the pandemic-laced campaign in his Delaware basement and his appearances were marked by sparse crowds and signs he had lost more than a step. Yet he flipped five states Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, including Georgia and Arizona, and racked up 306 electoral votes to Donald Trump’s 232.


  1. Jeez, they are pressing hard to stop the audits. "Joe's a disaster, quick come up with new excuses!"

    Or just saying 'Shut up, sit down and take it' like this - "A Republican group whose leaders include Bill Kristol, founder of The Weekly Standard, and former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman is behind $250,000 worth of billboards in Pa. with the message: ‘Trump lost – no more audits’."

    1. We know that neocon Bill Kristol is the son of Irving Kristol. Bill, sadly, failed to inherit either his father's intelligence or talent, merely his ability to play the (neo)Conservative Inc. grift. Enough about Bill Kristol and his fellow travelers, all of whom subscribe to "we don't give a shit about actual Conservative values so long as American wealth and lives are spent on [some other nation]".

      Christine Todd Whitman (says Wiki):Whitman was born Christine Temple Todd in New York City, the daughter of Eleanor Prentice Todd (née Schley) and businessman Webster B. Todd. [...] Her maternal grandfather, Reeve Schley, was [...] the vice president of Chase Bank. He was also a longtime president of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce.

      Says this article (linked below; not that I recommend you read it, because it is apparently HATE THINK): In order to rescue the Bolsheviks, who were supposedly an archenemy, the Chase National Bank was instrumental in establishing the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce in 1922. President of the Chamber was Reeve Schley, a vice-president of Chase National Bank.

      God damn. Christine Todd Whitman's grandfather? The more you look, the worse everything is. And it seems like everything we were taught in school was lies. Just how deep does the rot go?

  2. We Biden supporters did not need to attend cult rallies like all you Trump worshippers.

    1. No, you commies just riot when your POS does not win.

    2. I do not think you fit in here. Find a far left cesspool that parrots your beliefs.

    3. Still, couldn't you have done a bit better then 8 or 10?

    4. Good one, Jock. I hear he has long balls. You’ll be a great supporter.

    5. Sez the Jim Jones devotee that genuflects to St. commie caperdik/patron saint of millionaire thugletes, St. floyd/ the patron saint of fetanyl, and St. Fauci/ the patron saint of the kungflu. joe tentpeg

    6. What's the matter JamesD, can't handle anyone disputing your nonsense? TRUMP LOST!!

    7. Anon, if you believe that, you're as brainwashed as the rest of the liberals. Biden wasn't elected, he was selected.
      Now go somewhere else to stir up shit. That's obviously the only reason you're here, judging by your comments.

  3. BS - total fraud in at least the purple states. I believe, in places like Michigan, they just made up numbers at the polls because they didn't have time to fake up the req'd number of bogus ballots.

    1. But you have NO real data do you Bob?? Just the nonsensical lies from chronic liar Donald Trump and his worshippers.

  4. That's another way of saying it was stolen.

  5. "White House not 'stolen'"

    "Election wasn't 'rigged'"

    "A 'woman' with a penis"

    "Just a 'clump of cells'"

    Some people are so smart, that merely saying the words, invokes the thing into their reality.

    Some people are so smart, that they allow such people to (hire people) to wave guns around.

    Some people are so smart, that sending those people, permanently, to camps is "Not who we are!".

  6. The simple fact is huge numbers of Americans are chumps that would rather accept the lies of the propagandists than think about upsetting truths. Nobody will give up their FB, they like Zuckerberg's free cheese.

  7. Embrace the healing power of "and". Zuckerbucks were spread about to influence election officials, but the election was stolen in the middle of the night, in five Democrat Machine cities, where they shut down counting, sent home all the witnesses, and then loaded millions of fake ballots into the machines. I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it.


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