
Friday, October 08, 2021

Why is China so Dangerous?

A response from a reader encouraged me to continue my essay about China. His points are valid, and will be exploited to the max by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the near future. China is a dangerous dragon, despite having fairly blunt teeth and very short claws. It remains a terrible danger, simply because of its size. 1.4 billion people can’t be wrong, though they may not have it right. 

Let’s look at the People’s Liberation Army. The whole lot of them, army, navy, air force, rocket force and the auxiliary navy. The last are civilian registered ships, operated by navy personnel under military command disguised as fishing trawlers. Yes, the PLA is a powerful force on first glance. However, first looks are deceiving. What they lack is combat experience. They have no veterans. None whatsoever.


  1. In three words. They want our fertile land mass! What is so difficult to understand about it? That is the bottom line. That has been the hard on for fucking ever.
    And yes, five words. I'm mathy challenged today.
    Now edited to six werds.

  2. The ChiComs have never won a big war. It was the Nationalist Chinese who fought the Japs to a standstill. It was Vietnam that handed ChiCom their asses, twice. Korea is claimed as a victory by the ChiComs but it was anything but. India literally did the beat-down on the ChiComs using hands and sticks, killing quite a few.

    That leaves Tibet, which was an inside job and the ChiComs had it handed to them.

    The ChiComs only have a history of winning against... other ChiComs.

  3. "China has one of the oldest civilizations on the planet (paraphrased). So what. Their "civilization" has always been at the point of a weapon, be it a spear, bow and arrow, sword or firearm. They have never been any kind a of democracy. They've always been ruled, either by kings, emperors or war lords who had armies to back up their diktats. Whenever the Chinese people complained or tried to bring about some other form of government, they've been crushed mercilessly, either by direct force or starvation. For a more recent of example of how the Chinese .gov controls the population look to accounts of Mao's "Cultural Revolution" where anyone that dissented and tried to bring about change was disappeared and other major portions of their brightest minds were forced to work in the fields, under threat of death, with no compensation and little food.

    That kind of indoctrination, along with the proscription of any kind of weaponry in the hands of common people, carried out over millennia, breeds people that are mostly complacent, who go along because they want to be able to eat.

    Remember, it was Mao who coined the phrase "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun." I think that mostly applies to how political power is used to control the population of a country.

    What is missed in that statement is political power is leveraged by the industrial might that produces those guns, which the USA has ceded in large part to China over the last 40 years or so.

    All of this "supply chain" stuff that has been in the news lately is all about China throttling the industrial supply chain to gain leverage for their ambition to replace the USA as the hegemon of the planet. However, they're running up against their one constant limitation throughout their history. The ability to feed their people and their armed forces.

    In the end, it doesn't matter how large your armed forces are, if you can't feed them.

    Look to Germany under Hitler and France under Napoleon as to what happens when you can't feed your army in the winter.


  4. When it implodes now it will inflate the rest of the world currencies instead of its own. Printing fake money is easy for a country that has specialized in cheap knock off products.

  5. The chinese are inbred xenophobic mimics.
    Their singular 'strength' is their ability to reproduce beyond the Carrying-Capacity of their national boundaries... and this is simultaneously their worst trait.
    Innovation bred out of them during the chairman moe purges, their grandparents -- and by design, their parents -- exclusively produced robotic drones.
    Anything other than blind obedience is instantly culled.
    The chinesium Glorious Leaders can throw a billion people at the West, planned obsolescence for an otherwise unusable liability.
    This does not need to be a shooting war... any of those billion can be vectors for genetic-specific disease(s).
    And they eat soy.


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