
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Yeah, we can tell by the way you fondle them every chance you get

“I like kids better than people,” President Biden said Friday after getting a hug from a toddler in Connecticut while nearby protesters bellowed, “F–k Joe Biden.” 

“When I talked to all your folks out on the playground, I joked that everybody knows I like kids better than people. Fortunately they like me. That’s why maybe I like them,” Biden said during a speech in Hartford.


  1. If a politician from the GOP had half the evidence how creepy Joe is, they would never hold public office and it amazes me how it is not a big deal to his base.

  2. "I like kids better than people." I wonder if he actually thinks that kids are a separate species?

  3. How was this kid-toucher imbecile elected?

  4. "Kinko, Kinko the kid loving clown, if the kids just loved him back he'd never wear a frown".

    Every time I see that lecherous POS that song pops into my head.

    1. "Tar and feather Kinko, and run him out of town!"

      I REALY miss the Dr Demento show....

  5. No Joe, kids cringe when you're around.

  6. Dehumanizing victims is a hallmark of an abuser. He just told everyone in plain english he doesn't think of kids as people.

  7. "Protesters jeered Biden repeatedly in Connecticut" <--- I lived in that hole. Connecticut SUCKED. Everything was so expensive, houses junky, etc. But it was blue as blue states can be. If people were jeering him there, I'm even more inclined to believe the election was rigged.

    1. It's Connecticut - even without vote rigging, he'd get a safe 85% of the vote there.

  8. Poor Joe - called upon to save his country when all he wants to do is settle down with his wife and have some more kids.


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