
Friday, October 08, 2021

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - A woman was severely injured when an alligator bit her leg, arm, and hand after she fell into a St. Petersburg canal Monday. 

It happened around 6 a.m. near a bridge over Salt Creek near 4th Street and 18th Avenue South. It’s a place where homeless people are known to sleep under the bridge and near the seawall.


  1. So, how many homeless have disappeared from around there lately? Bring back mental hospitals for the demented like our pResident and his staff. Particularly the man pretending to be a woman.

  2. Homeless people in Florida are gator feed.

  3. That’s 4 blocks from one of my favorite restaurants, the Chattaway. There’s a park there on Salt Creek, across from Mastry’s, where the homeless congregate. I’m guessing this lady was either high when she fell in or was thrown in by one of her fellow homeless. Don’t do drugs, kids.


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