
Friday, November 05, 2021

CJ Hopkins: (New Normal) Winter Is Coming

That’s right, it’s nearly time once again for the global-capitalist ruling classes to whip the New Normal masses into a state of mindless mass hysteria over an imaginary apocalyptic virus. the same imaginary apocalyptic virus that they have whipped the New Normal masses into a state of mass hysteria over throughout the Winter for the last two years.

They’ve got their work cut out for them this time. Seriously, how much more mass hysterical could the New Normals possibly get at this point?

The vast majority of the Western world has been transformed into a pseudo-medical dystopia in which you have to show your “health-purity papers” to enter a café and get a cup of coffee. People who refuse to get experimentally “vaccinated” against a virus that causes mild-to-moderate symptoms (or, often, no symptoms whatsoever) in about 95% of the infected, and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%, are being systematically segregated, stripped of their jobs, denied medical treatment, demonized as “a danger to society,” censored, fined, and otherwise persecuted.

If you think I’m overstating the case, look at the front page of this Australian newspaper …


  1. Germ Games are coming and it will not be on esp?

  2. I cannot get around their logic that states 'if you are protected (vaxxed) against this disease, people that are not protected can give the disease to you'. So.... it doesn't work?

  3. Well here in WA the insanity is turned back up to 11. Adolf Inslee has just informed us peons that we’re not allowed to have friends over, work out or eat out.

    No singing in church and don't even think about going over 25% capacity. No bowling. All retail activities and business meetings are prohibited. No movie theaters. No visiting Granny.

    Same bullshit that hasn’t worked before. And now that flu season is here, the fucking hummahumma is back with it. Worked your ass off building that gym or restaurant? Fuck you. Mom locked away in a nursing home? Fuck you. Got a home you want to market? Fuck you.

    When do the protests start? Where? This is bullshit.

    Fuck this motherfucking cocksucker. First fire any sane health care worker, fireman or cop. Than lock down the economy. Brilliant. Over the flu. And so what was the fucking point of the "vaccine" then?

  4. You are right.
    At my office we have the german 3G requirement.
    Its either Geimpft=jabbed, Genesen=recovered (but only for 6 months after recovered), Getestet=tested.
    But if you are just tested that is only valid for 48 hours.
    I had a medical problem and was in hospital. There two tests were enough in a week. But my employer demands three but pays only two.
    Yes, on the one hand I am happy they pay two. I asked the union but they are perfectly fine with this. When I complained their response: Get jabbed!
    On November 25th the emergency in Germany will end. I fear then my employer will insist on 3G but will pay no longer.
    We have home-office, but currently I do not qualify for homeoffice (To protect my identity I wont tell you the reason I dont qualify for home office fearing my employer or fellow colleagues find out I am not jabbed. On the other hand, knowing their holier-than-you attitude, and total Anti-2A stance I dont think they would ever suspect me posting here.).
    Alex Lund

    PS.: I found a nice meme at granitegrok

    You comply because you want it to end, but it is because of your compliance that it will never end.


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