
Friday, November 05, 2021

From May 2021...

McAuliffe is a longtime intimate associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton and it is a given that America First Republicans would staunchly oppose him. But what are they to do when the red choice is just as tainted with Clinton and other nefarious ties? 

In 2016, the “Panama Papers” leak of elitist efforts to avoid taxes via secretive offshore accounts contained revealing information on the activities of progressive globalist billionaire George Soros. Among the findings were details of Soros’s stealth business ties to Carlyle, headed at the time by Youngkin.


  1. So, instead of the Demonrat McAwful who told parents that they have no say in what their children are taught in school and has been trying to take Virginians guns away over the course of his two terms in office, the voters chose the Republican who said just the opposite. Got it.


    1. ...and another thing. This is the same smear tactic that butt hurt Demonrats used against Trump when he was President elect with the Russia hoax.

      Don't you think that if he was guilty of something, like what is trying to be portrayed in this BULLSHIT article, that the FBI and the IRS would have been all over his ass a long time ago?

      Ask your self this question. Why is this being reported NOW, when it wasn't broadcast FAR and WIDE on mainstream news during the campaign?

      How about giving the guy a chance to govern, like was rendered to McAwful during his last tenure and his tenure from his prior governorship, before passing judgement on a guy who hasn't served one day in any public office.


    2. How is this a "hit piece"?? The link was published in May for all to see. As for Youngkin being guilty of something, there was no one accusing him of anything, other than him being just another deep state globalist with verified ties to Bush. That's a fact. But, maybe I didn't see the actual crime of which he was accused, so please point that out. Thank you.

    3. For the record, I would like to say that I was wrong about Trump. I was absolutely convinced that he was only running to hand the election to Hillary. Once he won, I assumed he would govern like an extreme leftist.

      Happy to be wrong. The moral of the story is give the guy a chance to do what he says he'll do. I have no idea if Youngkin should be praised or shot, but given my experience with Trump, I'll give him a chance.

  2. Seems they are all corrupt......hope he doesn't screw over Virginians....

  3. Another cheap hit piece can an inveestment firm pick and choose who invests with them?
    Here in Va.we will soon see what we get with Younkin but we already knew what the Klinton bagman had in store for us ( more taxes and less freedom) and we rejected him.
    Oh and we did it with the help of 1500 more conservitive poll watchers and less Dominion voting machines.

  4. The lesser of two weevils.

    Chutes Magoo

  5. McAuliffe didn't kill himself....


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