
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

"Fuck it, stick 'em anyway"

Unjabbed 12 to 15-year-olds are just three per cent more likely to catch Covid compared to fully vaccinated children, Pfizer's own study suggests. 

Just 30 of around 1,100 youngsters (2.7 per cent) tested positive for the virus in the four months of the clinical study in the US last winter. 

None of the children were hospitalised or died from the virus and they were either asymptomatic or had a very mild illness.


  1. It is not about the jab. It is about showing allegiance to Die Nanzi Juegend.

  2. It is not now, nor has this ever been, about ones health.

    1. Oh, it's about your health alright. Just in a sort of different way. We've gotta lose about 7 billion of you filthy peasants, so....
      - Bill Gates

  3. The "jab the kids" situation we are now seeing fucking infuriates me.
    WE as adults are supposed to take risk in situations like this FOR the kids. Not the other way around. I don't know any adults in my circle that would ask a child to take this shot to protect them. That includes at least four in their late 70's early 80's.
    Then there is the safety of the shot itself (questionable to say the least), and a theory that the way out of this is to let the younger generations catch it naturally, making the virus a non issue for them.

  4. Been trying to read alternate, but seemingly, reliable (how can one really know, tho, right?) sites that study the available Gov data. The analysis at one is that for every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.
    How anyone can allow their child to get an experimental shot with no understanding or even awareness of long term effects shows how well the brainwashing and terror campaigns have worked.

    1. "The analysis at one is that for every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot."

      Now you understand what we mean by "if it saves even one life".
      - The Left


  5. they're still pissed about the ones they didn't get to kill in the womb. Having another go at 'em.

  6. The "vaccine'' has absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus. It is being forced onto us for a totally different, nefarious evil reason.

  7. I am exhausted from trying to be reasonable regarding this matter. The fuckers pushing the not vax are evil plain and simple. Call me crazy but I doubt the elites are getting anything more than a placebo and the peasants are getting the experimental stuff.


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