
Monday, November 01, 2021

Fucking Mondays.....



  1. Replies
    1. Sure, they're going to run the forks right through that truck to make a video they're not going to make any money from. You bet.

    2. Yep, if the other side is wrecked already. It would help if we were given the option to "click" and watch on You Tube, we could see how big of a channel they have or at least glean some insight. Sure enough you can make pretty good side money with a channel with as few as 30K subscribers.


    4. Thanks Anonymous, that is probably a fifth or sixth generation upload of the original video. There is a bunch of money to be made on YT. You all would be surprised of what will be faked to make a dollar on YT! Like I said, if the other half of this truck was wrecked and crashed out what does the original YT uploader have to loose? Fake as hell.

    5. That sort of helps. I guarantee you dad would have not just said "Uh oh" if that shit was real! There is money to be made and and does not take a genius to do it. The other side of that truck was probably totaled the hell out. Shit is not always as it seems. hat is some fake ass YT total bullshit!

  2. "one lesson and he is ready to go", no he is not.

  3. Give that boy a participation trophy. Wouldn't want him to feel bad (not that he would) for complete failure in listening and executing simple instruction. It's really sad to see. We've got Amish kids out here much younger performing tasks most other kids could never accomplish properly. The stupification of our youth and the parents' complicity continues unabated. Not to mention glorifying that stupidity for all to see. It's disgusting. Ohio Guy.

  4. He should have shouted "Your OTHER right" ...

    Phil B

    1. Starboard!! Dammit!, starboard!!

      Tim in AK

  5. OMG, Explain that to Farmers Insurance.

  6. I started driving one when I was 11 unloading pallets of empties on open sided beer trucks at my uncle's beer distributorship in s Philly. Did it for 7 summers. Never dropped one.

    It's come in handy many times over the years.

  7. I've shipped hundreds of pretty valuable, custom leaded/beveled glass windows all over the country. Only time I ever had any breakage was when a pair of forks were driven right through the middle of the crate.

  8. Don't drive with forks elevated and so on. Zero training. Dumb ass dad.

    1. Agreed! Don't drive with forks elevated! Regardless it is fake staged shit.

  9. He used to run the forklift at a scrapyard.


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