
Monday, November 29, 2021

Go fuck yourself, buddy

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg told struggling American families, who are worried about rising fuel costs, to buy an electric car and "never have to worry about gas prices again."


This is after I read an article somewhere yesterday that we can already expect our electric bills to increase by 30% this winter.
The biggest concession I'm willing to make is driving the Ranger more than the F-150 - 22.5 mpg compared to 16. But no, I'm not even going to entertain the thought of an electric vehicle.


  1. Some 'how would my life change if' imagination exercises:
    * How about mayor pete drive an electric chair.
    * How about the biden administration drive an electric bench.
    * How about WorshingtonDistrictOfCorruption drive an electric stadium.

    1. * How about an electric Air Force 1

    2. Anonymous, I'm good with an electric Air Force 1 if the maiden flight has the Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons (Bill, Hill, Chelsea and her spawn), Pelosi, Schumer, The Squad, the cast of "The View", Joy Reid, andSenators Collins, Murkowski, Graham and Romney onboard as passengers.

  2. He’s still revovering from berfin his Curick.

  3. I used to work with a guy who had a toyota highlander that had batteries, he love to brag about paying under 10 bucks a week in gas. then came the bill to change 2 of the batteries, like 4 grand or so. he sold the thing within 4 months as the other batteries will go soon as well.
    seem like gas was a lot cheaper than buying batteries every 2 years or so.

  4. If he could, he would and probably has.....

  5. Once again...for effect.

    "Electric car"?

    No such critter.

    It's a 'coal/nuke/oil/hyro/natgas' powered car.

    'Science'...and all that. joe tentpeg

  6. Cheaper than electric cars (chock full of toxic metals, courtesy of Chinese slaves) is rope. Lots and lots of rope.

    Oh. To... ah... pull old cars around like wagons. Why? What else could you do with it?

  7. How about buttcrack works on the trucker and dock problems.

  8. There isn't much on this earth more dangerous than idiots who think they are geniuses who can spend our tax dollars as they please. Gaia help us. We have elected a bunch of asshats who can destroy faster than their terms can run out. We're screwed. OK, well, I'm old so perhaps I'll pass along before we go full f'in commie, but my children and grandchildren are screwed.

    1. No, we didn't elect them. They STOLE the election. We must never forget that.

  9. When I look at the effects of the "Build Back Better" program, I wonder if we can afford for it to get much "Better".

  10. And if I just eat cake I'll never have to worry about the price of bread.

    Fag loser. Oh, and FJB.

  11. A gallon of gas is equivalent to 33kW and weighs 6.2 pounds.
    Today a 33kW battery weighs about 33 pounds and a typical Tesla pack weighs about 1200lbs.
    A Nissan leaf battery weighs about 930lbs.
    Wake me when they get the weight of a 33kW battery down to around 6.2 pounds. Maybe then they'll have re-charging down to practical times too!
    Until then yer just driving a fancy tow motor!

    1. I bought a used diesel truck that weighs over 7,000 pounds. Need it to pull equipment and tools for my construction job. It gets 19 miles to the gallon.

  12. Blow $70,000 on a car that will spend 80% of its time parked?

    Fuck that.
    Spend a bit more and buy a Ferrari -- at least it will look better in the driveway.

  13. "They're going to make gas so expensive that you have to buy an electric car." --Comrade Bish

  14. We HAD to get a replacement vehicle last summer. Used car prices were so outrageous that for the first time, we bought a new car. A hybrid RAV4. We're getting 39.6 mpg. Meanwhile, a friend bought a Chevy Bolt electric car a couple of years ago as a second car for commuting. We can charge for free at work, so it seemed like a good idea to him. Then there were massive recalls over battery issues (fires?). Chevy ended up buying it back and he bought the new model with American made batteries. Now that's been recalled...

    As a 2nd car for commuting, electric might make sense, especially if you can get $10 000 off from Federal and state tax credits and rebates. Otherwise -- forget it.

    1. "As a 2nd car for commuting, electric might make sense, especially if you can get $10 000 off from Federal and state tax credits and rebates." Maybe if you live near a nuke plant that will remain in operation for a while, Niagara Falls, Boulder/Hoover dam, or the Grand Coulee dam. But if you're in California, there already isn't enough electric power available for a hot summer day - yet the morons in charge want to eliminate gas appliances as well as all internal combustion engines.

      Someday about 10-15 years from now, CA will be hit with a terrible heat wave, and their electric grid will collapse. Only those with IC-powered cars and a full tank will be able to make it out of state where they might find livable temperatures.


  15. This Buttgig quote illustrates why it is so important to prevent homosexuals from getting to positions of authority

  16. Family member went to trade in their 10 year old, less than 90k hybrid on a new one, dealer offered them $500. They called me on the phone, sitting across from the sales douche, & asked me if I wanted a free car rather than get ripped by the dealership. My car had just died so I said yes.
    It’s been a much better car than I expected but I did have to replace the battery at 100k miles, fortunately there are aftermarket companies who are undercutting the dealerships by using reconditioned batteries. Less than half the dealer price. While it’s cheap to fill up it doesn’t do anything other than move 2 people from point A to point B & back & forget doing any drive train maintenance yourself. Very little power & acceleration is abysmal. When I need to haul something (even just groceries) or just get tired of hamster power I’ll take one of my pickups instead. Those assholes ain’t never gonna get my trucks.

  17. Somebody needs to tell Butty-egg-egg what happened to the last government official to say "Let them eat cake."

    Just where is the fucking money supposed to come from to buy these wondercars, shithead?

  18. A 7.5 KW genset takes 3 hours to take a Tesla from 10% to full charge and it uses just over 13 gallons of diesel. The Tesla can run 200 miles on a full charge. That works out to 15.3 mpg.

  19. It would take 4 days to travel 1200 miles with the expected distance on a charge and 12-15 hours for recharge after each 290 miles. Waste of frigg’n time.

  20. meanwhile SoCal had their electricity cut because " fire safety", maybe they can charge those electric cars with unicorn farts in the meanwhile.

  21. God this clown makes me ashamed to be from the same state

  22. Ahh, electric vehicles; hurricane evacuations should be fun in those.

    1. Itches, you gotta apply science to the situation. Once everyone starts driving an electric vehicle, hurricanes will cease to exist. Because, you know - the thing - climate change.

  23. I had an apartment in Houston when Ike came through, but my residence was 120 car miles away. I evacuated the night of landfall, hours before the storm actually hit. I got home around 2:00 in the morning.

    I went to get groceries in the morning. Every parking lot was full of vehicles that had fled the certain destruction of that beast. It was a mess. Literally, millions of homes lost power. It was three weeks before the neighborhood for my apartment was restored. I will keep my 20 mpg truck and my 35 mpg car, thank you very much.

  24. If he could he would.



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