
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Good shit, man

CONNECTICUT - The recreational use of marijuana was legalized in Connecticut less than 5 months ago, and now the state Department of Health says it is seeing a trend - cases of overdoses linked to weed laced with the potentially lethal synthetic opioid, fentanyl.


  1. Fentanyl: Darwin's wonder drug.
    I think our government should hand that out for free.

  2. In the enduring tradition of legislative wisdom, CT legalized marijuana but neglected to even consider how to license retail sales. So, CT residents simply drive to Massachusetts and buy marijuana from the well established retail shops there.

    So weed is legal in CT but the state, as yet, collects not a penny in tax revenue. It somehow escaped the attention of the Solons in Hartford that they could simply let liquor store owners market weed.

    I suffer from a lifetime affliction of rational thinking.

  3. Nothing good about legalizing dope.

    1. Except, you know, the whole 'constitution' thing. See, it's not actually illegal, people's rights are just being trampled. The constitution had to be amended to ban alcohol. Allowing them to get away with a federal ban on weed does nothing but weaken the constitution. It clearly does not stop the flow of drugs. I'll never understand why so many so called 'conservatives' are OK with the federal government banning a plant. And no, I do not smoke dope.

    2. The rights to self-determination, bodily-sovereignty, and the notion that when government bans a plant, it tries to elevate itself above God. The Almighty did not create a problem that requires government to fix. Both of these fundamental rights are the foundation for private property ownership and if you can control what a person puts into their body then that person does not have ownership over their body; rather it is that body is the property of the government, which in turn owns all of the property tied to that body and all of the wealth created from its labor.

      You will own nothing and be happy, not even your own body.

      Ceasing the criminalization of nature is an important step in restoring freedom; it's not the job of Government to police virtue and morality. If the people themselves are not on the-up-and-up then no amount of or oppressive government is going to fix them, only mask symptoms or exacerbate the problem like more government usually does. However, I see nothing immoral about cannabis, it's the same as enjoying beer, wine, cigars, or many other vices found on the road of the pursuit of happiness.

      People that are getting weed laced with fentanyl need to find new dealers. Laced product is another reason why it needs to be legalized and not stigmatized or taxed into oblivion, else a black market will continue. People wouldn't accept formaldehyde in their milk but if milk and cows were criminalized then people would still demand it on the black market with all the risks that come with it. People took similar risks with alcohol and the government itself introduced poisoned alcohol into the markets as part of prohibition but even that failed to stop market forces, all it succeeded in doing was hurting more people. Move weed to the cigarette aisle and require proof of age, legal forces can, at best, guide market forces but they can't stop market forces.

      There is a demand for drugs in the USA and it is not governments place to decide if sovereign adults can conduct business. The only power the government has is that whic his afforded by the people and doesn't trample the rights of people. Such powers being to ensure the product in question meets the standards set by the people, isn't falsely advertised, etc. Government and legal law cannot fight the economic law; the basic economic law of supply and demand will win every time. The less supply, the stronger the demand, and the more reward to fill that demand.

      There is no grand profit to be made off of the medicinal aspect of these plants when people can grow them in their own back yard. Government needs to mind its place; it needs to own up to decades of disaster, legalize, expunge records, and step out of the way of the people. I could go on, but this comment is already long enough.


    3. I say not only legalize EVERY damn drug but sell it at cost in government run stores. If you want to eat a handful of oxys every day, knock yourself out but when you OD, times up.

      Heartless? My sympathy meter is pegged on zero.

      Same with eating yourself to death or smoking or whatever. Go right ahead, you're just going to make more room for us sane people.

      And quit putting that care on my dime. Tell you what, let me do me and you do you and if can't control yourself, well, bye. A minority of people in this country, from politicians to criminals, are making it miserable for most us and I'm fucking sick of it.

    4. Yep, legalize every drug, but with caveats. You report to a camp, yeah, you can call it a concentration camp if you want. You can use any drug you want to, as much as you want, in that camp. You can get medical treatment as long as it's unrelated to your drug use. Meth mouth? Too bad. Od on heroin, fentanyl, oxy ? Too bad, no narcan for you. Anyone caught using anything outside the camp, 1st offense, 1 year hard labor, 2nd offense, death. Gov. pays for your dope, makes sure it's not contaminated, and you eat prison food. You have a dormitory and share a head and shower with 24 other dopers. You want out, you go to a subsection of the camp, stay clean for a year, you get out.

  4. I remember back in the day, we used to smoke Hash laced with Morphine. We called it "Mean Green" because that was the color of it with little white specks throughout. Shit was potent, but it wouldn't kill you.

    1. Where did you get that? When I was in Germany in the early 70's, we'd sometimes get Afghani hash with white streaks through it. Thought it was opium, but it turned out to be mold from long term storage. Good shit, though.

  5. Grow your own. Israel has been using weed since the 70’s for medicine in cancer patients. If its good for them, its good for joo. Canna butter is better than smoking it imho. The same cartel that tells you not to use it also sells opioids and tells you thats what you need. Dealers don't like competition.

  6. Number one argument for legalizing home cultivation. I'd grow my own right next to my tomatoes.

  7. I'm not quite seeing the connection between Connecticut legalizing weed and someone over dosing on laced illegal weed.
    Shouldn't the story be about Connecticut legalized weed but it's so over regulated and over taxed people are still taking their chances by buying illegal and possibly tainted weed?

  8. If we really and honestly want to do this right, cease all distribution and production of Narcan, THEN legalize all drugs. After that, if you want to take a chance and fall of the end, there is nothing to save your ass.
    When I was young, I dealt with far too many addicts who were so far gone, we could not start an IV in either arm, hand, foot, leg or neck. Yes, there may be a rare case where more sympathy is needed, not the other 99.99%

  9. HUGE pet peeve of mine - Idiots that want to “Ban NARCAN!!”
    Medical personnel DO NOT get to decide whether you or anyone else “deserve” care.
    They DO NOT have the right to withhold treatment because:
    You’re different.
    You’re black, white, brown or chartreuse.
    You don’t THINK like they do.
    It fucking wrong anytime it’s done or dreamed about - DON’T think like a douche canoe.

    Kenny - typo in the first post! Replace please


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