
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Is collecting silver or gold the best idea for bartering if SHTF?
A while back, my brother and I had a discussion on the merits of collecting silver for the use of barter in SHTF. We were at a local thrift store when he came across some silver platters. They were indeed real silver, and he purchased them with the intent of melting them down. This in turn led to our discussion.
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Anything not stamp certified for a specific purity isn't going to be worth as much. If I present you with unstamped ignots, how do you know their pure silver?
ReplyDeleteFor barter, trade, and usage boxes of nails would be more useful.
ReplyDeleteOr 158 grain pieces of lead with a Copper jacket
Deletesilver and gold is only worth as much as a person wants to pay for it. blue book on a 57 chevy is about 300 bucks. but its how much someone want's it that drives the price.
ReplyDeletea 70yo car, or something that you can sit on the shelf and look at.
me i'm going to put my money into food and water. some can wipe their asses with the coins, and their washable. really, think about it.
And when you run out of food? Do you have enough canning supplies to last a few years? Are you experienced in growing your own food? And do you have the land for it? And what about meat? Unless you're experienced at raising cattle and hogs, you're in for a world of hurt. And don't think you'll be able to subsist on wild game - that will be shot out the very first winter.
DeleteI'm not saying you should only invest in precious metals, what I am saying is it may be a good idea to invest in SOME precious metals.
Agree +1000 on game. People who think theyre going to be able to hunt fresh meat, even in extremely remote areas, are deluded. It will all be gone in a few months.
DeleteI'd trade with junk silver if Fed Reserve Notes are history. Works without the internet.
DeleteHow many eggs for a silver dime?
For most people rabbits and quail will do much better on the meat front, but I get your point.
DeleteBrothers, if the trucks don't roll for a whole year, only about 1/10 of us still gonna be alive. Figure 100 mile wide death zones around all metropolitan areas.
DeleteAnon - Chickens. Don't forget chickens.
DeleteA day's wages for a measure of wheat or three measures of barley. Right now our food production is being shipped to China. The price of a 3# bag of rice went up by 70¢ since last week at Aldi's.
DeleteThe Dillons store hasn't had Raman noodles for several weeks in any quantity. On Friday, the Campbell's soups were down to a few cans of each type, not a full case of anything.
Sure, some of that is because smart people are stocking up as the next rounds of the dempanic loom, but most folks live paycheck to paycheck.
Is this the great tribulation approaching? I don't know, but hard times are a certainty.
"Brothers, if the trucks don't roll for a whole year, only about 1/10 of us still gonna be alive. Figure 100 mile wide death zones around all metropolitan areas" Jeb TX
DeleteTHIS. And probably closer to 6 months imo. After 1-2 months I believe 50% mortality.
After 6-12 months, hunting and game will be aplenty. In fact you will be both hunter and hunted - if you've made it that far.
Our society will revert to groups or tribes, ruling & hunting patches of land.
The uber rich think they will be safe in their specially built mansions too lol
Stock ammo over PMs unless you have $$ to burn. Best return if SHTF doesn't happen imo.
I have enough food to not step foot out of the house for 6 months if need be.
Let the vermin thin itself, save ammo.
I read the discussion at the link. While interesting, the thing that it missed on is the word debt. If you carry debt, you are behind the 8 ball. Every dollar you pay in interest is money that you could have spent on that gold, silver, ammo, food, water, or any other of the things that you would like to have.
ReplyDeleteIt is not easy, and it often takes time, or even in some cases extreme actions to get rid of debt. But like digging a hole, the first step when you find yourself in the bottom, is to stop digging.
Lately , I've been thinking about precious metals as a method for retaining value. What I haven't sorted out is the best vehicle, IE; pre 65 silver coins, the new silver quasi coins, like the ones with trumps picture on them. I think something with low individual value, doubt a 100 ounce silver bar or big gold coins would be good for barter. Of course if it goes zombie apocalypse, I'm probably not good for very long after the pharmacies get looted.
ReplyDeleteAbout using using gold/silver coins for barter. They can be cut into pieces with a cold chisel during the transaction. Yeh, that may make the residual pieces less valuable for further barter as the pieces will be less recognizable as true precious metal, but it's a solution to a fractional problem when you only have 1 oz or bigger coins or bars.
If the SHTF you are not going to have everything you need no matter how well prepared you are. Barter only goes so far and there is no guarantee that a neighbour will.
ReplyDeleteEven in the worst economic times in history traders and merchants existed. They need a portable medium of exchange who's purity is known.
Even 4000 years ago they were using a touchstone to test purity.
I think it is a good investment. Look at places like Zimbabwe and Venezuela, an oz of silver is still worth an oz of silver there no matter how devalued their paper is. It will be really nice to have a form of currency that doesn't rely on the fed or what border you are inside of after you have eaten your way through the zoos and the neighborhood strays. Mad Max probably isn't coming, but Venezuelans digging through trash to feed their kids is a lesson of what is.
ReplyDeleteWant or need a good meal Any place you find the Ladys All you need is Kotex or Tampex they don't go bad an easy to store just something to think about. think the lady's don't like using rags lol no silver or gold needed.
ReplyDeleteThe boy has a point, but should you buy the different sizes too. I mean I’ve hit some cooter where I thought my package would never find a side or bottom (depending which way she was facing). And no I’m no porn actor to be filmed but decent size from what I’ve been told. So all I’m saying is you better have the different sizes otherwise you’ll piss off an already angry woman. Damn that comment went downhill fast.
Hell you were just getting warmed up, Merlin.
DeleteI look at the gold/silver/precious metals in this way: I do NOT see any situation where I would take any of that in trade for anything I have... Yes, if I can tell it is REAL Gold, and they offer me 10 lbs of the stuff for my chicken and a loaf of bread, maybe.....
ReplyDeleteAlso thinking about the crypto-currency crap, I have had a couple people want to trade that stuff to me for guns and electronics I have advertised for sale, I think I hurt their "feelings" when I laughed at them.
Any kind of currency has to have the TRUST of the one you are trying to give it to in exchange.... Otherwise, it is worthless to them. (trust that they can turn around and get the same value they traded it for or higher)
My neighbor bought some Gold and Silver a good while back. If he sold them now he would make some money. I told when he bought them that the Gold bar or coin "worth" $100 would buy him a loaf of bread with no change.
ReplyDeleteI've been buying pint whiskey by the case off and on. No name stuff, but whiskey none the less
ReplyDeleteOne thing people overlook when saying "just stock up on more stuff" is eventually your house looks one from an episode of "Hoarders". It's also not an all or none option, I've got years worth of food, ammo, etc, but I also have some gold and (more) silver. Definitely agree with PigPen51, get rid of that debt first.
ReplyDeleteYou're better off bartering TP, ammo and tobacco.
ReplyDeleteI've always believed precious metals he a place after all the essentials (long term food, cash for local taxes, water supply, and a way to protect it all) are covered. Precious metals primary function is to get some wealth from one financial system through an apocalypse into the next financial system. I wouldn't bet my life on being able to barter silver dimes and quarters for essentials in the middle of a breakdown.
DeleteI think this is the most important point that most people miss
DeleteI also agree with this. Silver and Gold are universal and anonymous storage units of labor / value to get you through to the otherside of whatever the fuck is happening in FUSA.
DeleteI just looked up the spot price of gold. It was a bit under 1800$. I think that I read once that in the late 1800's, one could buy a Colt Peacemaker for one oz. of gold. Seems like the same could be said today.
ReplyDeleteAlthough this is sold out like over a year ago, the price is right there at about an oz. of gold.
You're analysis is interesting but a bit off because the common denominator, a Colt Peacemaker, is now a museum piece whereas back then it was a tool. The better approach would be to consider categories that compare. So, in the past, a Colt Peacemaker was among the most technologically advanced personal defense weapon available. The equivalent today would be something like a high capacity, striker fired pistol. And those go for $300-$600 all day long depending upon location and availability. So, you could pick up 3 of them in a sellers market for 1 oz of gold. That means that Gold has appreciated in price considerably since the late 1800s. Or, stated a different way, inflation has destroyed fiat currency since the late 1800s. Either one works.
DeleteOr to go another way. Tools such as good pistols have gotten cheaper with more industrialization/mass production
DeleteSome supplies are good for barter. Others not so much. How well does it store? Shelf life? Degradation and entropy affect everything.
ReplyDeletePrecious metals are exactly that. Precious... i.e. more valuable than common metals. There's a place for them. But first and foremost get knowledge and skills. And get hardcopy books about vital skills. Because memory fades. Human memory is volatile. More volatile than electronic storage if not regularly used.
1. Learn skills and master them.
1A. Practice then till you can perform them under the worst conditions, such as dark, cold, wet and taking incoming fire.
2. Stock up on essential supplies. At least a season of seeds, medical supplies, TP and toothpaste, soap and anything else you really like in your life. Gonna take time to restore a rudimentary marketplace...
3. Portable wealth. When things are really bad you can't eat gold and silver but the fellow that's got a lot of essential supplies can be enticed. But be prepared for someone to ask for something you're not willing to pay with. Your only gun, your coat, your women and children. The government DOES NOT have a monopoly on the lust for power. A lot of people who don't have it now might aquire more under due circumstances. And they'll try to get more power over others if they can. Karen ain't gonna change her personality after the SHTF...
But first and foremost get skills, then essential supplies (start with 3 months and keep building your stash till you've got a year of inventory on hand) and after that try to accumulate portable wealth.
Very much agree. Add water purification and a testing system to your list. I am not convinced barter is useful except between known and friendly parties.
DeleteWhat you said Fred. Best advice I've seen here so far. Know the law, in particular, the law of supply and demand. Knowing how to supply what is in demand is priceless.
Delete"Best advice I've seen here so far."
I fell into that investment trap years ago with oh so many others. Silver and gold will save you and be the means of barter when the dollar collapses which it still hasn't and it was supposed to back in 2012.
ReplyDeleteI offloaded 10's of kilos of silver bullion in the past year and only kept a few dozen small bars like 1oz and rare ones. Realistically, the average person has no concept of bullion or its value so is little use in a SHTF situation as has been demonstrated in the past. Practical indispensable barter material like toilet paper, self defence tools, medicines, energy related devices, ammo, long term food etc are the way to go.
Will societies collapse under the weight of inept governments? Yes.
Will it happen within years? Yes.
Will it throw the world into a TEOTWAWKI situation? NO.
Crash & burn yes but the recovery and rebuild will follow for that's how reality works.
Silver is good, but the ability to make something or perform a service is always something to barter.
ReplyDeleteGold and silver WILL be handy to buy the neighbors' place, and rent/barter it for services and/or labor.
ReplyDeleteDuring the Weimar hyperinflation, silver and gold coins kept their original (German) purchasing power, and their foreign exchange value.
ReplyDeleteA problem now, that did not exist then, is that few "blue Americans" are aware of what gold and silver coins are.
I have had occasion over the past couple of years to tip excellent service providers a modern US silver ounce coin. Most of them did not know what it was. Some of them did not believe my explanation, and asked for paper.
Some remembered me two years later.
John in Indy
I have emergency stores, but I am also a professional gunsmith highly versed in welding, machining, threading, etc.
ReplyDeleteBatteries. AA & AAA. All sorts of devices run on these. Easy to carry and store.
People often overlook a critical use of silver and gold: it can buy your name off of lists that you really don't want your name to be on. It can get papers that can get you out of places you don't want to be and into better places - including across borders.
DeleteFor some gettin' off the boxcars...a paid greedy guard got 'em out of the 'Angel of Death's' line...and a quick skeedaddle into the forest. joe tentpeg
Keep in mind barter, or buy-and-sell for that matter, only works if both parties follow civil rules and agreed upon law.
ReplyDeleteWith a limited supply of ammo, when you've shot and wounded somebody, will you really have it in you to save rounds by usin' a bayonet to finish 'em off?
ReplyDeleteRemember, talk's cheap.
Buy an extra thousand rounds of.22 for the coup de grace.
DeleteMy wife put aside a stash of female sanitary supplies for barter. She has a slightly different perspective than most here.