
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about

The CDC and FDA have said the vaccines are “safe and effective.” They haven't found any serious issues with the COVID vaccines. Zero. Zip. Nada. It was the DoD that found myocarditis. 

The evidence in plain sight shows that they are either lying or incompetent. Or both. But of course, the medical community is never going to call them on this.


  1. 100s? Please

    Front line medical people have said the number of fatalities and adverse effects that are actually reported to VAERs represent as little as 5-10% of the actual numbers.

  2. I broke my back in 1981. I also worked as basically a laborer for over 35 years, lifting very heavy weights, knowing that my back would suffer in my later years. However, it has not been as bad as I expected.
    I am now 61, and got the vaccine in August. In early October, my back started to cause me extreme pain, to the point where I am now scheduled to see a specialist, to either begin injections or to actually think about a spinal fusion. I am in the early stages of things, so I have no idea of what direction things will go, but I know that I cannot go on like this for very long.
    I don't know if it is fair to place any blame on the vaccine, but it does seem strange that my back started to hurt this bad, so quickly, when in the past, fall weather and spring weather have brought about stiffness and aching but not the sharp, shooting pain like this.
    I don't regret getting the covid shots, due to my wife and 25 year old daughter who live with me having health issues that I need to protect them from any possible infection that I can. I won't be getting a third shot, I think it is merely a case of extreme political theater, with no science behind it. At least the vaccine that I took, I could see the science as I understood it.

    1. The lies that the government has told us about this "vaccine" are nothing short of satanically evil.

  3. Meh, they're only off by a few hundred thousand.

  4. Down here in Oz we're now seeing tv ads "normalising" heart attacks in kids and ads for Shingles.
    Create blood clots and destroy immune system memory and it's inevitable there'll be some PR...

  5. the meantime Gibraltar, having a 100% jab rate, with a smaller portion of the population having had "boosters", is having a major outbreak of Covid and has canceled Christmas. Then there's Ireland, whose population is over 90% jabbed, and is also having a major outbreak, as is Israel.

    So, unlike real vaccine's, the jab is non-sterilizing of Covid and is causing people who catch it to become spreaders of the disease, in addition to causing untold numbers of maiming and death from the jab and once you catch Covid MAY still kill you.

    Now, imagine the wrath of parents whose children are forced by school districts and/or other .gov orgs to jab their children who are then permanently maimed or are killed by it.

    Then there's Fraudci, who contends that ‘There is a Misplaced Perception About People’s Individual Right to Make a Decision that Supersedes Societal Safety’.


  6. Thank you SO much for this article Ken.

  7. My niece (16 years old) went and got the Pfizer. Within 8 minutes she was convulsing and incoherent. Ambulance ride to the hospital and lots of stuff later she's pulling through. Both of her parents explicitly stated they wanted it charted that it was vaccine related injury and the doctors refused saying there was no way to know if the vaccine caused the problems. The girl has never had any seizures or other neurologic symptoms. Docs are in on it.

  8. A good friend of mine (MD and statistician with over a decade of experience in "big data" from the clinical trials end) did an independent analysis using data from the VAERS database and found strong evidence of "vaccine" associated harm in a number of conditions (including myocarditis). This was across all the EUA "vaccines".

    Not all MDs are "in on it". I personally have refused to submit to the Jab. I am under threat of being fired for refusing (have a temporary stay pending "re-evaluation"; we'll see what happens). More to the point, I have stated publicly that mandates to submit to the Jab are in violation of the Nuremberg Code (ALL available Jabs are EUA; there are no FDA-approved Jabs available) and that the "vaccine" strategy sounds suspect (stupid) and unsafe scientifically.

    MDs are not that different from most people. They might have good memories and do well on standardized tests, but they don't like having to do independent thought, and the thought of going up against establishment orthodoxy scares them. And they're afraid of getting fired or losing their licenses (both of which have happened to MDs who have publicly spoken out). I'm not trying to excuse the medical profession (which I think has largely dropped the ball on COVID), and the sheep-like going along with FedGov/Fauci has done incredible harm to credibility of the medical profession, but the bottom line is that doing the right thing when you know that you will be punished for it is difficult for a lot of people.



  10. I talked to a doctor this weekend who said most of the covid patients in the hospital where she's on call are vaccinated. Then she went on to say that she would be getting her booster right away. They will not see what is going on; to admit there's a problem is to acknowledge that they were catastrophically foolish to trust "the science."

  11. On some level, you kind of have to hand it to 'em, though. Even really, really, really good mass demociders never managed to get the masses to liquidate themselves. And think of all that sweet cashish coming in from estate taxes!


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