
Monday, November 01, 2021

Oh dear Lord, that ugly child is back in the news

Greta Thunberg has arrived in Glasgow ahead of the Cop26 summit, as world leaders prepare to discuss the climate crisis. 
The Swedish activist arrived at Glasgow Central station on Saturday evening, having taken a train from London Euston.


  1. "...asked Ms Thunberg if she had been invited to Cop26, and she responded: 'I don't know. It's very unclear. Not officially." Even they are sick of her.

    1. She's served her propaganda purpose, and she's getting pretty old for any *other* uses.
      - The Global Elites.

  2. If she was really committed, she would have pedaled a bike there.
    So would all the fly-in oligarchs.
    But it's all bad actors on a make-believe stage, huh?

    1. Any truly committed environmentalist would kill themself, thereby reducing their carbon footprint to zero and providing mulch/biofuel to others.

  3. Actually, I am glad she is there. Protest the attendees, throw some Molotov's (at least figuratively, don't want to get targeted advocating violence) at the jets that are bringing people in to talk about Climate Change.

  4. Typical quality journalism from the Daily Wail. If they'd bothered to check, they'd have found that Glasgow is Scotland's biggest city, not second biggest. As for the rest of the pantomime, the hypocritical money-grubbing scum are beyond contempt.

  5. How did she arrive in London? Swim?
    What does the train run on? Buyden's diapers?

  6. "Oh dear Lord, that ugly child is back in the news"

    Personally, I LOVE Greta showing up. Anywhere. Everywhere.

    She's the most beautifulest "word problem", for people who (absolutely) can not mafs.

    In every group, half the people are below average (just average), and half are above. Half are shorter than average. Half are heavier than average.

    When Greta starts gibbering, and people swoon "She's so smart!" -- you know, they've proven, which side of The Bell Curve they're squatting on. Even the proudly maf free. Even the ones who've had somebody buy them a Scrabble rack full of titles. Compared to many people, Gibbering Greta REALLY IS "so smart!"

  7. I wonder if Biden will sniff Greta's hair.

  8. You have confused the mean with the median.

    1. In a standard distribution curve, the mean, median, and mode are all the same.

  9. Someone give her a laxative for God's sakes , she looks like she has to take a huge dump . Maybe if she took a good shit she would be able to relax.

  10. If you want to know who's behind the retard girl, (besides her piece of shit parents), look to who's funding the retard's agenda? Why would anyone give this retard girl more then 2 seconds of attention? She's nowhere near the brain power of an Einstein, and shit, I wonder what her degrees are in? Why not ask the retard girl what she thinks of Fed policy? This is, and has been absurd since this kid got on stage. Anyone giving this kid the time of day, should probably put down the crack pipe.


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