
Friday, November 05, 2021

People in UK Who Post “False Information” About Vaccines Could be Jailed For Two Years

People in the UK who post “false information” about vaccines online could face two years in prison under a new law. 

Yes, really.


  1. So telling truth will get you jailed in the UK?

  2. So, how do they define "false information"? Is that true information that does not toe the government's position? Will they jail government officials who lie about the vaccine; about its efficacy and safety? (You know: like Fauci and CDC and FDA do here?)

    1. I think that is exactly the problem.

      I made the mistake of listening to NPR recently and they were running a false narrative behind why we have the First Amendment. Their claim was that muzzling someone would offend them -- ignoring who they offend. It was all bizarre logic and misdirection. NPR can always be found carrying the water for the Democratic Party.

      The real reason behind the First Amendment is to allow the people to speak out against the government. To correct the government when the government is wrong. The problem with the government silencing people is that the government then gets to define what is true and what is false. Always a great way to descend into despotism.

      With dementia Joe and the Democratic party in power, it will be an interesting race to the full on fascism between UK, US, and Europe.

  3. And of course the fact checkers will be completely unbiased and truthful!

  4. This is what happens when people give up the means to protect themselves from a tyrannical government.


  5. If I was accused of spreading false information -- ah never mind. I don't give a crap about social media posts.

    Oh - anyway if I WAS so accused, whoever would come to haul me off to jail would not have a good day. Probably wouldn't survive the day, in fact.

  6. Yet Saracens who chop heads and rape get a slap on the wrist.

    1. What?!? You don't *respect* their culture!?! How DARE you! You cultural imperialist you!

    2. They shouldn't even get that! They're taking out the same filthy fucking peasants that we want dead!
      - The British Government

  7. If they had any balls a large majority would post on the same day. Not enough cells for all of them


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