
Friday, November 12, 2021

'Propaganda': Experts rip CDC study claiming vax offers stronger protection than natural immunity

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published an "early release" study last week that uses a highly curated population to purportedly show that mRNA-vaccinated people have a much lower rate of reinfection by COVID-19 than naturally immune people, contradicting a much larger Israeli study this summer.


  1. I'm calling bullahit. I got the wu flu in December. I'm an old guy. Was sick as shit for a week and not 100% for 6 months. Starting in July/August it starting going through the shop. Had 3 young guys get it. Barely had signs but I work with them. Eat with them. Share the locker room with them. One got sick them the other, then the other, then the other. Me not a thing. In October the guys I car pool with to work got it. Same thing, one then the other. Me nothing.
    So fuck these lying POS's.

    1. Same thing here. I got Covid back in March 2020. I was sick for 2 weeks (somewhere between a bad cold and a mild flu) and I temporarily lost my sense of taste and smell. I was 100% after those 2 weeks.

      I am a regular blood donor, and when I donated blood a month after I got better, inreceived a call from the NY Blood Donor Network telling me that my blood had the highest antibody level they had seen, and asked if I could donate again in 56 days (the minimum frequency one is allowed to donate blood). At the second donation, my antibody level increased yet again (almost certainly due to re-exposure). After that when my doctor drew blood for routine bloodwork, my antibody level was even higher, and in September 2021, the last time the doctor took blood, my normalized antibody level was 16.7 where vaccines usually give a reading of 1 to 2 and occasionally slightly over that.

      I know about 30 people who have had Covid who I told to get a prescription of doxycycline hydrate 20 mg. every 12 hours, 30 pills. None of them were hospitalized and all recovered within a couple of weeks.

      Covid can be deadly for those with inflammatory conditions within their bodies, such as in people with advanced age, autoimmune diseases, periodontal disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, heart problems and other conditions that cause general systemic inflammation. A C-reactive protein blood test will show this condition, and Covid or no Covid, if C-reactive protein is abnormally high, you need to address the cause. When such a person contracts Covid, the cytokine mediation of his immune system has a good chance of going into an abnormal positive feedback, instead of a normal negative one, and the whole immune system gets mobilized in an deadly event known as a “cytokine storm” which is responsible for the hospitalizations, respirator dependence, and deaths due to Covid infection.

      If the government let Covid run its course for those without the inflammatory comorbidities, or put them on low dose doxycycline if they did catch Covid, all would have naturally acquired immunity which is much better than anything you could possibly get from the vaccines even with boosters. If these people then mingled in the population in a normal fashion, herd immunity would soon develop, and this pandemic would be over soon. Look up the Wikipedia article on the Spanish Flue of 1917, which came in 3 waves. After the 3rd wave, there was no one left to infect. The population eventually acquired herd immunity. Unfortunately many died, because back then, right after WWI, immunology and medicine in general, was in its infancy and they didn’t really know how to treat it. The cytokine cascade mechanism is virtually the same forCovid as it was for the Spanish flu.

    2. A question I've not seem answered so far: why is an antibiotic included in treatment of a virus? Zelenko is using Z-pak. A number of other also include an AB. I assumed it was was to CYA in case it was pneumonia mimicing WuFlu.

    3. Viral infections open the door to opportunistic secondary infections, so for someone with moderate-to-severe disease, ABT is sometimes prophylactically administered.

    4. An antibiotic because very often the opportunistic bacteria that comes along is bad old pneumococcus.
      Especially in a hospital.
      Shit kills a lot of people; I think it's often mistaken for covid.

  2. Kenny, I need to thank you for the Ann Barnhart article on invermitrin. Wife cook the jab late sept. She came down with China flu. She was very sick. I started ivermetrin early sept and took and another round as wife became ill. I did test positive for China flu put not nearly as ill as my wife

  3. Yeah, that flies in the face of 100+ years of medical knowledge and experience.

    Vaccines NEVER provide as good of immunity as getting over the disease. The reasons are many and varied, but include such things as WHERE the disease is (if it's in the blood, more antibodies are produced in the blood, etc.) and a full spectrum of disease fragments, etc.

    Just like viral diseases NEVER naturally mutate to become more deadly. It's not in the interests of the survival and continuation of the virus to do so.

    There never has been and never will be a vaccine that provides immunity AS good as getting over the disease, never mine "better". This has been a major sticking point of the folks skipping the measles, chicken pox, etc. vaccines. They figure that things like scabies (which is a chicken pox manifestation usually found in older people, caused by reduced immunity over time) have become MUCH more common for a reason. Even being around kids who are sick with chicken pox effectively re-innoculates the older people and prevents later scabies.

    This "study" is bullshit in its purest form. Just straight-up baldfaced lies, these are. They haven't the evidence, and they've pulled it out of their asses.

  4. All you need is vodka for dis infections. And whiskey for the pain. Did couple shots as needed for a few days. Cleared my covid.

  5. Click bait why even post this shit anymore. See the anger above, most know by now it's all bullshit and just bread and circuses to keep us looking the other way while they let the vaxxed suffer without the ivermectin.

    Which every one knows about and if they don't like us here they get what they deserve. Not bitching at you WC I just hate it that it still raises the hair on some peoples neck.

  6. Thing that puzzles me is the fact Ivermectin is effective against Covid. If Covid is indeed a "virus", then why wouldn't we look at Ivermectin as a possible cure for the regular ol flu, which is also a virus? Could be a helluva lot more effective than the annual "flu shot".


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