
Monday, November 01, 2021

"Sinking ship": Even progressive prosecutors leave, call for San Fran DA's recall

Just how bad has public safety become in the Chesa Boudin era? Even his fellow progressives have left the district attorney’s office and joined efforts to recall Boudin. Brooke Jenkins and Don Du Bain have joined fifty of their colleagues in walking out on Boudin, and accuse him of attempting to use radical policies that have made public safety a “sinking ship”: 


  1. Cut loose all the lifeboats and valve off all the bilge pumps, heck open the ballast valves and padlock all the deck hatches .... "this baby's goin to Davy Jones locker"!
    While we're at it ... get all those CNN, ABC, NBC, Faux News, reporters and journalists downtown for the fireworks show!!! (Sorry if I missed the other propagandists from the list, I don't watch the Tee Vee).

  2. Hey! We just wanted Communism for you peasants! Not for us persons of quality!
    - San Fran elites


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