
Sunday, November 07, 2021

Sunday Video 1



  1. Heard an interesting report this week that one of the best predictors of later success was the ability to delay consuming candy placed before you at age 4. This boys seem younger than that, but if they can learn to delay gratification they are on the road to success. And it wasn't just college either.

    1. If I had an silver dollar for every time I heard "delayed gratification"...

      Most cultures have their own "test" like this but I doubt it means much at all when kids this young have roughly the cognitive capacity of a dog. Intelligence, desire, and self-discipline are, IMHO, much better indicators of success while delayed gratification is but one small detail filed under self-discipline.

      Don't forget to live in the moment otherwise you may delay your whole life away without ever having known why you did it. There is no guarantee anyone will reach retirement or financial independence; or even reach it with an able body and mind. I could fall off a ladder next week and paralyze myself, there is no guarantee.

      Growing money and passive income is great, success is great, so is planning for the future and learning from the past; but we LIVE in the present. People that don't take a few moments to enjoy the here-and-now run the risk of waking up to the realization that they never really lived.

      "It's a shame to go forever without takin' a taste of somethin'." - Robert Duvall (Open Range)


  2. Reminds me of my brother and I. Best friends to this day.

  3. Where the hell did you find my home movie?

  4. Like being fully loaded at a range and expected not to shoot something. Ohio Guy

  5. Love those conspiratorial smiles.

    "Sure thing thing, Dad!" Heheh.

  6. Beware! This is what pure evil looks like.

  7. It reminds me of the time me and my twin brother had the fun experience of getting our stomachs pumped out due to the wonderful taste of St. Joseph's baby aspirin. Orange flavored, if you recall.
    My mom was painting upstairs, while we were downstairs playing. Or so she thought. When we were too quiet, she came down to find that I had eaten two, and my brother had eaten the entire bottle. She tried the old trick of forcing us to drink mustard in milk, to get us to puke it all up. 2 year old toddlers drink mustard flavored milk? Not a chance.
    There are a number of other stories that I could tell, but let me just say that my grandmother lived a block away, and more than once, my mom called her mom, and said, " come and get these boys, or I am going to kill them!" I don't think she meant it.

    1. HA! Baby aspirin was my first overdose and stomach pumping too!

    2. I drank a bottle of cough syrup or something that tasted quite good; it was something pink. I think I yacked it up in the bathroom but that's what happens when it's kept in the fridge and within easy reach.

      The real fun began when I figured out how to climb the island stove in the kitchen and get into to all the cabinets be leaning over to them.


  8. I would of got the strap from my fucking asshole dad for not minding him.


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