
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday Video 10



  1. Something tells me alcohol was involved.

  2. This day and age in a situation like that I would not hesitate to break a young girls jaw. The minute she was in my face she would be on the fuckin ground.

  3. That was a hellava overhand right. Nice to have your mates see you get punched out by a girl.


  4. I used to be of the opinion that you never, ever hit a girl. But now, I say, you never hit a girl first, but you don't have to allow yourself to be hit a second time, by anyone.

    1. I went to a gym for many years. I took up boxing. Lots of women in there doing kick boxing and were serious about it. I am with you and was raised to never hit a girl. These girls today, if trained and many are, if you let them get the first shot they can hurt you bad. I mean fuck you up. Believe me.

  5. Nancy boy with the beard was useless.

  6. Girl? Girls used to be 120 pounds or less, wringing wet. Those are beasts. Let 'em have it, and learn the hard way that it's not acceptable to act "unladylike", no matter the circumstances.

  7. Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life son.

    1. They took the bar... the whole fucking bar!

  8. Always be on your guard. If they instigate it ... its all fair game then. Can't believe that guy didn't see that wild swing coming his way. After that, he should have curb stomped her.

  9. The proverb reads: "A gentleman never hits a lady."

    When they cease to be ladies, i.e., they physically attack you, it's time to stop being a gentleman.

    And SteveP was right: beard-boy was useless. He should have stopped pulling and started swinging.


  10. That brunette can take a punch, gotta give her props. Knocked down the chav with one, too.

  11. The human body is a series of targets:
    First choice -- destroy the ability to see and breath.
    Second choice -- destroy mobility, destroy a knee or ankle.
    The bearer of those targets has an opinion in the matter...


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