
Monday, November 08, 2021

What’s the Perfect Ratio of Hens to Roosters?

We often get asked how many roosters should be kept with a flock of hens. What’s the ratio of hens to roosters.

Although this question is a moot point for folks who cannot keep roosters because of the city or byelaws, it is a valid question for those who want to keep a few roosters for breeding or ‘just because.

Roosters can be incredibly beneficial for your flock if integrated properly.
Today we will explore the ‘ideal’ ratio of how many hens per rooster.

We will also cover how the pecking order is affected along with the pros and cons of the whole thing.

Hopefully, we will give you enough information to make a wise decision for you, your flock, and the neighbors!


  1. While I do not have chickens, my neighbor does and it is a joy to watch them scratch, cluck, and forage about my yard. He also gifts has honey bees and gifts me eggs and honey.

  2. I can house up to 24 chickens safely, but I would never try to have more than one rooster at a time. I currently have only six hens and a rooster. He can be obnoxious at times trying to pick a fight with me (he ALWAYS loses) but he does his job well of being boss of the flock, which is why I put up with his nonsense.


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