
Thursday, December 23, 2021

A glutton for punishment

President Biden said he plans to run for reelection in 2024, assuming he's still in good health. 

“Yes,” he said when asked if he plans to run for reelection during an interview ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir that aired on Wednesday. 

“But look, I’m a great respecter of fate. Fate has intervened in my life many, many times. If I’m in the health I’m in now, if I’m in good health, then in fact, I would run again,” he added.


Actually, I'm not sure who the bigger glutton for punishment would be - Biden or the fucking idiots that would vote for him again.


  1. "Actually, I'm not sure who the bigger glutton for punishment would be - Biden or the fucking idiots that would vote for him again."

    Both...and The Not-A-Doctor Mrs. Biden should be horsewhipped.

  2. They have no idea who the are voting for, they just hit the box marked D... if they are alive that is, otherwise they just vote straight D.

    1. Mmmmmmm....straight D.
      - Kamala Harris

  3. "the fucking idiots that would vote for him again"

    Someone voted for him? This is news.

  4. People in the US love to blame their politicians instead of the people that voted for them. But Biden has a 50 year long record of nothing except corruption. He is what he is, there was no secret to it.

    My enemy lives up and down my street and it wouldn't much bother me to see their bloated exploded bodies lying along the side of it. The US badly needs a Soviet style breakup so we can be rid of the Federal govt. There's no fixing it without recaliberating the people and what they believe in.

  5. Still? How long has it been since 'president' asterisk has been in good health, even adjusted for age?


  6. I thought the Hildabeast was going to run . Wouldn't the demorat debates be a hoot ? Bernie , Joe and Hillary ! Geezerfest 2024 coming soon.

  7. As if he was ever in good health in 2020.
    He doesn't know where he is, or who he is, at least 40% of the time.
    And what he thinks he knows the other 60% of the time is where he's been flat wrong his entire life.


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