
Monday, December 13, 2021

Commentary: The Embarrassment That Is CNN

Back in the early 1980s when cable TV was bursting on the scene, there were four channels everybody wanted. 

ESPN was one. The USA Network was another. HBO was worth paying extra for. 

And then there was CNN. You didn’t have to wait for David Brinkley or Dan Rather to find out what was going on in the world; you could just tune in and get informed.


  1. Chris wallace will turn the network around! (sarc)

    1. I first saw that on Babylon Bee and truly thought it is was a joke.
      The joke worked cuz I didn't believe the joke that Chrissy changed employers.
      I had a good laugh when I actually saw a news site reporting this.

  2. Author Scott McKay is behind the curve: not one mention of alleged (always with the alleged) pedophile CNN Senior Producer John Griffin. Griffin worked very closely with Chris Cuomo. If the allegations are true, Griffin is one sick bastard. As Cavguy might say, something something BOTH would be appropriate. Personally I think Griffin is being tossed out of the troika to distract the masses from other alleged crimes involving sexual exploitation of underage females. Who is being "tried" (supposedly) right now? Hmmmm.

    1. Jokes about "Chris Chuomo" are entirely inappropriate and anyone who thinks that's funny ought to be ashamed of himself. Shame on you!
    2. If you search "CNN pedophile" on Google you get links to various textbooks but nothing on Griffin. If you search the same phrase on duckduckgo Griffin is the first thing that pops up. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along, you deplorable bastards.

  3. CNN and Chrissie Wallace deserve each other. Wallace thinks he's going off on a "new adventure" in "journalism" (neither entity have been journalists for a long, long, long time). What Chrissie and the suits CNN don't get is not very many people will pay for a subscription to a streaming 24 hour propaganda and pure bullshit feed.

    I hope they starve.


  4. Back in the early 90's working as an electronics technician fixing televisions, To burn them in after the repair rather than channel surf I used to watch CNN. Daily. Ol Bernard Shaw when the web started becoming popular. Visit us on the web at h t t p : / / w w w . c n n . c o m

    They definitely have changed.

  5. Yeah, but imagine how cool it would have been if my "The US used nerve gas in Vietnam" story had been true!
    - Peter Arnett

  6. there are internet livestreams that get better ratings than CNN.

    Salty Army is Legion!

  7. As to the article section on Ted Turner starting CNN and his choice in women. I'd say he had the best choice for a capitalist as he was fucking a commie every night and probably twice on Sunday.


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