
Thursday, December 02, 2021

Covid variant as deadly as Ebola may emerge, top physician warns

Further mutations of the Covid-19 virus could spawn a strain as contagious as Delta and as deadly as the Ebola virus. That's the stark warning from the World Medical Association.


  1. Or it could become less deadly as it becomes more virulent or mutates. Better for both parties not to kill the host....that's why Ebola hasn't killed us all. It burns itself out killing its host.

    1. Which is far more likely. As viruses go the family that Ebola belongs to (hemorrhagic fever viruses) are weird, having figured out how to spectacularly turn their victims into highly contaminated muck. This usually limits the number of new hosts it can reach.

      Most other viruses, OTOH, derive better advantage from causing mild or no symptoms and being reproductively more promiscuous-- make more copies and don't hinder the host from partaking of its usual activities-- so it encounters a greater number of new hosts. . .

      Not saying that the WHOres' scenario is impossible, but it's unlikely enough that if something like that showed up, I'd be looking for evidence that the Chicoms deliberately released it.



    2. Ebola and it's relatives are animal viruses that occasionally infect humans, but aren't adapted to survive by human-human transmission. They don't need to adapt to humans, because they live off of other species, with immune systems that don't overreact to the virus and kill the host ASAP.

      If suspected early enough in the western world, prompt isolation prevents Ebola spreading at all, and often treatment can even save the single victim. In Africa where the animal vector is, it tends to wipe out an entire village - of primitives who believe witches cause disease rather than germs, and who prepare the body for the last rites without any precautions, then sit down to a funeral feast with their neighbors. But no one lives long enough to walk to the next village, so the spread is pretty limited until they're a little less primitive and commonly hop in a car or a bus to travel to other villages.


  2. We're still playing this game? I stopped long ago.

  3. Be afraid! Be very afraid!!! We can't control you and steal your freedom if you aren't afraid!!!!

  4. And it this is very important...might not.

  5. FOAD. We aren't listening to your bullsh*t anymore.

  6. More tripe to scare the Sheeple with. fauci hears this he is going to run with it. Like one of BLM crowd doing a snatch and grab black Friday sale.

  7. Will the National Guard troops,being deployed to Africa,be the ones to bring home the Ebola SuperDooper Xi/Jo/Ho/HellGates/Fausti variant?
    Makes me go hmmmmm

  8. Coulda, woulda, shoulda
    I could get electrocuted when I turn on my coffee pot in the morning, I could get hit by a car while I take my morning walk, a fucking satellite could fall out of the sky while I'm grilling in my backyard.
    Life is about living not being scared of everything in this world. Be intelligent in your choices, use your common sense, if it doesn't feel right it probably ain't, and stop listening to these fools that spout gloom and doom about everything.

  9. That scenario is only likely for those who got the jab.

  10. Could, might have become 100% propaganda words.

  11. Could this superduper deadly variant please show up?
    And please, kill only the vaxxed.
    Yes, I will lose a lot of people I love and like, but I am so fucking tired of this COVID Bullshit that I prefer the Apocalypse right now.

    Or please, detonate a nuclear warhead 800 km above the center of Europe. The resulting EMP should sent all of Europe back into the Stone Age and then we would have more pressing concerns than a virus with a 99% survival probability.
    Alex Lund

  12. Given enough time, *some* kind of virus will emerge that is highly transmissible and highly lethal. It has happened before (Spanish flu), and also happened, more frequently, with bacteria (due to the factors that cause mutations to occur in virus replication vs. bacterial reproduction). If you live without modern antibiotics, you should (I guess) "live" everyday in total crippling fear of cholera, typhoid, yellow fever. Oh, and what about the parasitic malaria? That also kills more Africans in a week than SARS-CoVID-19 has in it's entire life-cycle since it was released by Chi-Chom as a (failed) biological warfare event. I guess since most of those living on the African content don't have billions of $$$ of made-up "insurance" to throw at it, they don't matter.
    Die in fear, or live in liberty. I'm going to go ahead and trust that God won't take me until he is ready to.
    -Just A Chemist

    1. there is only one country with a confirmed history of biological warfare,
      smallpox infected blankets, the aptly renamed "Spanish" flu, (that vaccines and masks killed off more people than the flu ever did), AIDS, (we all know who really made that one), how about the tuskagee syphilis experiments, or how many times said country practiced "biological warfare delivery systems" on the residents of CA, no wonder they are so screwed up, and even though they were being manufactured in China, the NIH started off the gain of function experiments at Fort Detrick, Maryland before being forced to close the lab because of a leak, and all those unexplained deaths at nursing homes in the area.
      Stop shilling for the anti-china desk of the CIA, they don't need any help thanks, they will get another war soon enough, hell, they are pushing for one in Ukraine/Russia, North/South Korea and China/Australia, (and us dumb fucked over Aussies won't last 5 seconds).

  13. I'm shaking' in my boots. These scar-mongers have had their fifteen minutes, but they are too well paid off to change their bullshit.

    Only suckers buy into anymore of this utter bullshit.

  14. That is total BS. Just the governments way to make you get the jab. It's all agenda 21

  15. We must run and tell the King!

  16. Vaccine Enhanced Immune Response is a real pickle.

    If true, the the vaccinated are in terrible trouble.
    Steve in Ky

  17. Another 'expert' heard from.

  18. BE AFRAID! Be so afraid! You MUST accept our fear porn!

    No, the only "fear" I had was of other peoples stupidity and hoarding so I got extra supplies a month or two before the KungFlu ever hit US shores.


  19. I'm old, it's been fun and after seeing what we have developed into a could give a rats ass if the human race was wiped off the plant.

    1. Bright Eyes. i agree 100%. it's been a hell of alot of fun and i have the scars to prove it but i could care less now. i have no kids"pfew, got lucky on that one". and i'm to old to be skeerd now. i just feel sad for those who are left behind. it's gonna be bad. i,m going to crack open a few beers and go shoot something. lets have fun with what we have left and let others worry about it.


  21. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who couldn't see they would try something like this. It's time to push back, HARD!

  22. BIG NEWS! trying to scare people into more mail in ballots for the mid-term election.
    As Rick said, FOAD!

  23. Virsus tend to become less effective over time but more transmissible. Kill the host, you don't transmit. Host who feels a little off but otherwise does what he wants, great spreader. This has been the pattern for every virus we have encountered. So could it happen, yeah. So could someone walking up to me and giving me the winning lottery ticket because they have too much money already. I like the statement above, live in fear or live in freedom. Don't believe the panic porn. Its cold and flue season, we're going to see more sick people. Take vitamin D and get out in the sun, exercise and avoid sugar. Pretty sure this is a good recipe for good health over the winter.

  24. BS, Be Afraid, blah, blah, blah. Even if you buy in to virus theory, all the 'experts' say a virus mutates towards more infectious, less deadly over time, to survive.


  25. A wolf? Again? Give it a rest, kid. We've stopped listening.

  26. I went shooting, four wheeling, talked guns with SOF types and a gunsmith, drank beer, ate chicken. It has been a good day. Tomorrow may as well be a repeat. Live your life. F those guys.

  27. With enough mutations, a house cat can turn into a raging lion. But don't hold your breath. Or, considering the difference between coronaviruses and ebolaviruses, with enough mutations, a house cat can turn into a raging buffalo.

  28. Enh, if it becomes as deadly as Ebola, there's really nothing to worry about. They call Ebola a "slate-wiper" for a reason.


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