
Monday, December 06, 2021

"Employees must wash hands before returning to work"



  1. When a college student I got work through an employment agency. They favored me because of strong work ethic. The jobs were varied and short duration.

    They sent me on a job assembling transistors. The work was so monotonous that by the end of the 1st week I was gonna kill myself just for something to break the boredom.

  2. Honey, how was your day? Anything exciting?

    Oh yes! One slice of bread was missing the condiment. It was pandemonium for hours! And the new girl turned the top slice the wrong way.

  3. Back in the 70's I shared apt with guy who could shovel shit for .50/hour but he got a job at a plastic moulding place, pulling and trimming a plastic trashcan out of the mold every 45 seconds. He left after 2 weeks with a hearty GFY to the supervisor on the way out. This is work for robots.

    1. I worked at a place like that. They made a bunch of different parts from coke bottles to surgical staplers. The surgical staplers couldn't have a speck of dirt in them otherwise they'd get rejected. What did they do with the rejected parts you say? They ground them up and returned them to the hopper of the injection machine. Talk about pulling your hair out.

  4. Something to remember anytime your are tempted by a gas station sandwich.

  5. Shit's making me hungry. But not for that!

  6. Also stay away from airport food

  7. so that is how all those vending machine sandwiches were assembled

  8. The pickle slicer got fired too.

  9. When I was a kid I did daily work/daily pay jobs at Cape Canaveral, usually some sort of boat helper or sorting seafood. One time I was sent to the "magazine rack factory" where people who scored above average on the chromosome test usually worked. All day long I was expected to secure 2 of the 4 wheels to magazine racks. I left at lunch because my brain went numb....I never asked for the money from that job.

  10. It's ok, because them were womans making samwichs.

  11. This is why I eat at home. I never had anyone teach me so it was trial and error. I made some real nasty shit throughout the years. I'd take a pot of stuff to the corn field, dig a hole and bury it then say a prayer. I'm serious, I really did that. I wonder today if corn grows there. However, I learned to cook and prefer my food to anything out there.


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